Rick Bashkoff

Gather - Easily consolidate your photo library


Gather is an easy to use web app that quickly and securely copies photos you have scattered in Dropbox, Facebook, Flickr and Instagram to your Google Photos library. Don't waste time, Gather can do the job for you in a few clicks/taps all in the cloud.

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Rick Bashkoff
Hey there. Russ and Rick here. We want to help people do more with their personal media library and we think that having all of your photos in one place is a great way to start. Gather automates the otherwise laborious process of digging through photos stored in your Dropbox, Facebook, and Instagram accounts, downloading them, uploading them to Google Photos, and then potentially updating date and location details for each one in Google Photos. Gather makes the process simple and charges a small fee for this convenience. If you're not sure about the cost we've posted details on our blog about how to do it yourself free of charge along with more guides on getting the most out of Google Photos. We're offering Product Hunters 50% off when you use code PRODUCTHUNT and would absolutely love your feedback on Gather as it exists today as well as what you think Gather could do in the future.
Elena Zhizhimontova
Looking for a photo you want to show to someone right now is definitely a pain - thanks for this solution! 👍 2 Qs: 1. On FB, will Gather search only through my photos or also through the photos I've been tagged in? 2. It would be cool to add an Amazon Prime Photos integration 🤔(somehow this became the place for family photos haha).
Rick Bashkoff
@zelena Thanks so much! Here are answers to your questions. #1, Gather is not allowed to access Facebook or Instagram photos/videos that you are tagged in that have been uploaded by your friends and family. This is a fairly recent change made by those platforms to better protect the privacy of your data. We recognize this is not ideal, however, we play by the rules. If the platforms don't allow it, we don't offer it. We hope this is enabled soon and it will be top of the list for us. #2, thanks for the feedback. We're working on adding new platforms and this feedback is very helpful. I'd be interested to hear how the family arrived at Prime because we're surprised at how few people use it. Pretty good feature set. Thanks again!
John Foster
Rick Bashkoff
@jhon_foster Thanks so much
Ethan Steininger
So what’s the value of having them all in google photos ?
Rick Bashkoff
@ethans100 We believe having all of your photos and videos consolidated in one app or service allows you to experience your photo and video library in a more meaningful way. Once you have your photos/videos in Google Photos there is so much that you can do. The app allows you to easily share photos and videos digitally, display them on a TV screen and leverage world class artificial intelligence to search, organize, and automatically create photo books, animations, movies, slideshows, shared albums using the photos and videos in your library. We're big fans of the product and we were thrilled that they launched a partner program for developers like us to build on. We've actually created some Google Photos guides to help with use cases people ask us about the most if you'd like to check them out: https://medium.com/gather/tagged.... We plan to release more in the coming weeks.
Brian Breslin
I wish you were more transparent with the pricing. Getting a $15 fee after I connected facebook is misleading AF. I see its in your FAQ but you should be more up front about it. Have a dedicated pricing page. Also there is no way to actually try the 10 photos free without a credit card or paying the full $15
Rick Bashkoff
Hey @brianbreslin. Apologies for the delay. We agree with your feedback and will be pushing out changes shortly that will solve for this including much more desirable pricing. Thanks for the feedback.