Gecko Switch
Light switch that can be placed anywhere
Honey Raj Varma
Switch — The business-grade phone system built for Google Apps users
Josh Elman
I think this will show how business phone calls are supposed to work. Esp since no one just is at a desk for calls anymore
Tarikh Korula
@joshelman This is from the guy that created Dialpad, GrandCentral, Google Voice, UberConference. On the one hand - awesome experience. On the other - so why won't this be just another acquisition and abandoned product in a couple of years?
Jack Smith
their just in beta signup waitlist mode still it seems. But this looks legit. Google have completely destroyed Google Voice beyond recognition in recent years.
Andy O'Dower
Anyone used it that can comment on pros/cons? Maybe with a team of at least 10 people? Looks very promising.
Justin Mitchell
@odower Super old comment but I absolutely love this product so I felt like commenting back to let you know all pro in my opinion. I even have it set up with an Obihai desk phone. Its fantastic
Daniel Kaplan
Given the generally bad/ugly/unusable state of virtual PBX options out there are, this looks like it could be excellent.
Brad Holden
I am a huge fan of UberConference and am definitely hoping that Craig and his team and can create a solution that solves a big pain point for businesses in today's mobile environment.
Adam DePasqua
This looks awesome! $15 seems a little steep for something I'll use less than my Netflix account. I maybe take 2-3 business calls a week that isn't a Zoom call, or Hangout. It would be nice to have it based on minutes, or a mult-level type option. One mans opinion.