Hey 👋 I'm one of the makers of Gem. Let me quickly explain the impetus for making this!
It’s 6 AM and I find myself compulsively scrolling through public outrage videos and dog photos. I’m scrolling through my twitter feed, finding punchy sentences on the latest trend and tragedy. I feel like my thoughts are becoming limited to what I can fit in 140 characters, and anxious comparing myself to other’s carefully tailored personas. With the feed’s algorithms working in opaque ways and beholden to maximizing advertising revenue, I found it difficult to find thoughtful articles on my interests. Unwilling to wait for the platforms to suddenly become altruistic, I decided to make an alternative. A healthier option to disseminate articles and essays that promote understanding, nuance, insight, and focus.
Here's two key features that make Gem stand out:
- Adjectives - Rating with adjectives help us better understand your taste. We scan the article to determine the adjectives you’d naturally use. These adjectives are derived from criteria like objectivity, importance, and convincingness. Above all, this keeps out sensationalism and improves quality.
- Control - For every feed we have settings which let you filter by type (e.g. tutorials, opinions, and news) or adjust the influence of factors like your viewing history and popularity.
Thanks so much for trying out Gem, and we look forward to hearing your feedback! ❣️
@daviescreations Great question. Sometime in the future we might add some premium subscription features, but for now, everything is free. If that doesn't work, we might make an attempt at forming as a nonprofit. A couple of incredible publications, like Aeon and Current Affairs, have taken the nonprofit route, and I see no reason an app couldn't do the same.
Hey people! ✌️
I'm also one of the makers of Gem. 💎 Gem is an iOS app that helps people tired of clickbait find articles with adjective based ratings, and control over the algorithm.
We've been working on this for over a year and would appreciate you feedback. Thank you! 🙌
@zfogg@henryboldi Please do. This sounds like something I would like to try, but do not have an iPhone. I would suggest building web before Android because then it would be available for everyone, and then you could spin up the Android app for those that prefer an app over a website.
Love the product UI, really beautiful!
Would be curious to know where you're sourcing content from? Am I able to filter content by the sources I trust the most?
Hi, the product looks beautifully designed and I was curious to try it, but it looks like I can only sign up with my phone number. Curious why my phone number is required, and if there are any other ways to sign up?
Stopping by to say that I’m so proud of seeing this launch. Henry and I were living together when he was debating building this and I saw it turn into an obsession. Product has come a long way and it’s a great way to have top content served to you!
Product is brilliant. Have been using it now for a couple of days and really like the quality of the content. I wonder if it will go in the direction of Nuzzel and Refind eventually?
I think this is pretty cool, Henry. I'm actually working on something similar.
Maybe let's chat sometime. I can provide some feedback for you, and we can exchange some ideas.
Follow me on PH or shoot me an email, matt.hakims@gmail.com
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