What are your top productivity habits?
How do you manage your daily productivity while building your projects.
Here are the top 3 things I'm doing at the moment.
1. Master list
This is my daily todo list that I fill out the night before with tasks from my projects. This way in the morning I'm in execution mode and I get to work without making decisions on what to do first. I split my tasks into Urgent, Important and Extra.
2. Pomodoro cycles
Some people like Pomodoros others like time blocking but it's a similar concept, concentrating on one task for a set period of time. Before starting my cycle I answer a few questions about the task I'm about to begin like:
-What is the first step to get started
- Possible blockers and how to handle them
3. End of day productivity journal
At the end of the day I like to log my daily levels of productivity, mood and energy. I also try to write the reason for it and then review these at the end of the week.
(These three are part of the core modules at LifeHQ)
What are your top 3 productivity hacks?
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