@harendrasingh Technology is just a support to goal achievement when I have choose a technology I answer to these 3 questions :
- Do This technology provide features fitting with my project allowing my team to develop faster ?
- Is the technology enough stable to be kept on middle / long term ?
- How much time it will take to peoples working on the project to be comfortable with this technology?
If you find features helping to develop faster your product , if the technology make its proofs to be usable in a middle/long term (depending of your goals) and if your team is comfortable or need less time to be comfortable with the technology and develop your product rather than develop with another technology they already know so go for it !
Do not take care about technology hype of bashing.
As an example If everyone say PHP is old school it's not good for new product but PHP fits your needs and your team has already learn this language so go for it !