I would encourage you to think about problems which affect you and solutions you could build and sell.
Alternatively a good business could be one that relates to certain skills you possess and enjoy using. Entrepreneurship is such a rollercoaster it helps to do something that related personally to your life and/or leverages your natural ability.
@abadesi@kay_mwashunguti What do you think about the EdTech industry? It's a great chance to help both children and adults around the globe.
The development of distance education requires more and more educational apps. Do you use Udemy, Coursera, TED talks or LinkedIn Academy? All of them help to improve professional skills remotely. EdTech industry connects all types of text, visual, audio and video content.
I believe that's a great industry to start a new own app.
As for me, I was inspired by these 2 posts:
Infographics on building a successful EdTech app
Step by step guide on how to develop a Coursera clone
Start with a problem affeting you. You know the pain. So, make a solution that works perfectly for you. dropbox, basecamp and many more examples are there.
I would say that you should come up with a problem that you would like to solve. Then go out there and do market research. Talking to people will give you a better view of what people will be willing to pay for!
Hustle Crew Academy