In the past week, many tech companies have made their online resources available free of charge, whether temporarily or indefinitely. To list a few:
Moz Academy -
Ahrefs Academy -
Down Dog Yoga App -
And so on... what resources have you found while working from home? Free or at a reduced rate?
I've created a simple page that lists special offers that companies have in response to the coronavirus:
If you know of other such offers, please share them
@yannschaub Thx, but I want to publish offers that are available to everyone, not only for those that are directly involved in the fight against corona
Plex makes live TV free for three months.
Plex is joining the chorus of companies handing out freebies to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. The media app makers are offering their Live TV feature free to all users for three months through June 30th. You'll still need a tuner and an over-the-air antenna, but you won't need a Plex Pass to watch channels through any of the company's apps
Great question! A few weeks ago we launched this platform to enable software companies donate their services to those in need. We listed multiple services (as an answer to your question) and the list is growing so stay tuned: