@abadesi 😊Curiosity is a great quality. We create in 2017 a service to help people who lose someone. We have more than 4k swiss families on our platform now. We will launch an English version officially on 31.10.2019 on PH to get feedbacks and plan our internationalization. If you are still piqued, please check our values : https://www.tooyoo.ch/en/philoso...
I work in tech - hehe. But specifically I work within community, creating content and building partnerships to increase growth and engagement. How about you @aline_tan?
I work in tech. I am just in the last steps of refining my new platform to show to everyone :) It's going to be about crowdsourcing unique spots and events in your neighborhood with communities, which are like chatrooms with a specific topic, to meet up with people around you
@aline_tan yes, I am planning to. I just need to improve some smaller things. It is actually already live, if you want to check it out: https://plezzles.com
Rohr Kreuz 01
Hustle Crew Academy
Rohr Kreuz 01
Hustle Crew Academy
Prospr Dating
Hustle Crew Academy
Hustle Crew Academy