I got married, bought my first car(Honda FIT), scaled my team, moved to bigger and much beautiful office, on boarded awesome new clients and looking forward to make it bigger in 2020.
@awt Thank you! It's called Downshift and it's a digital health coaching platform centered around sleep, nutrition, and mental health. We just want people to be able to get the help they need in an easily-accessible manner
@awt Much appreciated! If you have any feedback for us, we'd love to hear it at coaching@downshift.us . Have a great New Year! Wishing you blessings in 2020!
I fortunately managed to recover from being an employee in a startup-gone-wrong team. It took a toll on me when the place went from about 80 people to zero in the space of about 3 months, but I learnt lessons and moved on to something even better. How about you?
@awt Yep! Generally we just think that smaller scale SaaS companies don't have the means to properly take hold of the data their applications yield to prevent user churn. We're going to make sure it's accessible to everyone, where they can just plug their application usage stats into our AI solution and it'll tell them who's at risk of churning :)
Using AI for good eh! I do have an 'upcoming' page in case you want to follow along.
How are things with you?
For me it was figuring out that a couple health issues were partly to blame for my fatigue and lack of energy...so maybe nights and weekend projects will be easier in 2020!
My first time in my life, I spent a lot of time for oversea, I went to Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and spend 14 days in India. It is really a memorable moments to have chance to see a lot of things. I also learned a lot of new things, do the jobs that I never do. Thank you 2019 & welcome 2020!
I left a job I was too comfortable doing to start Olifano. It was just the shock to the status quo that I needed to inspire a whole wave of creativity both in and outside of work.
Robot Recipes
Robot Recipes
Robot Recipes
Downshift API
Robot Recipes
Downshift API
Robot Recipes
Downshift API
Thryve AI
Robot Recipes
Thryve AI
Robot Recipes
Robot Recipes
Robot Recipes
Robot Recipes
Robot Recipes
The Read Time
Robot Recipes
Robot Recipes
Robot Recipes
PPC Ad Editor - Google Ads Preview Tool
Robot Recipes
LifeViewer 2.1
Robot Recipes