Aaron O'Leary

Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 27th of July)


Hi Makers! This thread is dedicated to you if you are: (1) launching soon or recently launched (2) looking for beta users (3) asking for feedback on a landing page First, start by helping out another maker. You can check out their launch, give their product a review or share a comment on their launch post. Once you've helped someone else out, share your product link here and BE SPECIFIC about who your target audience is and how we can help. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Monika Ben
Hey everyone! Today we launched In-Store Surveys, a new and faster way to collect customer feedback right at the point of sale. Check it out: https://www.producthunt.com/post... In-Store Feedback Surveys are not just for airports and retail giants. involve.meโ€™s kiosk mode turns any old tablet into a smart feedback terminal. No tablet? No problem! Each custom feedback survey comes with a QR code you can print and put near your cashier.
Chelsea Randall
@monika_ben this is great! I always press the smiley face buttons on those stands at the airports. I think this is a great way to get feedback - I think people are more receptive to this than a "Survey" at the bottom of the receipt.
Dominic Norton
Hi there! I'm working on a website that helps remote teams find virtual team bonding activities. If you've worked remotely, would love to hear your feedback. We have teams from Google, Wix, Bloomberg, and more testing the site. https://mize-4c7579.webflow.io/ Open to all feedback
Jacob Miller
@dominic_norton So important for remote work going forward. We've seen an increase in demand for this too.
Oleksandr Senyuk
@dominic_norton I can see how this can be applied in classrooms, too. It's unclear how to use Mize at the moment, though. Also: how did you recruit your beta testing groups?
Chelsea Randall
@dominic_norton Our IT Department was not prepared for Remote Work when COVID happened. Our organization values the culture of the department. We were just talking in a leadership meeting how to keep everyone engaged remotely. This is a great idea. I was brining up Jackbox which might not always be work appropriate.
Andrew Balbekov
@dominic_norton Hi Dominic! I love your landing page, it looks professional and clear. I also notice that you use Webflow for building it. I'm a big fan of this tool and I developed a lot of websites on Webflow. If you want I can help you with your project. I currently starting my website design agency so you can drop me a message here and I will be happy to give you some help with design audit : https://www.boldwebagency.com/
James Tennant
@dominic_norton Very cool idea, Dominic. The landing page is clean and easy on the eyes and it's very clear what the proposition is, and that you've started to generate interest from some big players. Congrats!
Lluรญs Ventura
Hi everyone! Thanks @aaronoleary This week we are releasing a PiP button for your GMeet. When you are sharing your screen you will be able to see other participants while presenting or moving from one tab to another without losing them. Comeet.me allows you to write down and share agendas, notes, and next-steps on every meeting and keep track of what you decided inside your Calendar. Your feedback is really welcome. Visit www.comeet.me. PS. Additionally, we are starting something new, and would love your help! If you work remotely, spend your days in calls, and feel that some of them could be an email, please, register: www.comeet.me/alpha-async and we will be in touch soon!
Loftie Ellis
@aaronoleary @lluis_m_ventura You have a nice little video on the extension page, I think you could add something like that to you site too. The animation you have now looks cool but its not quite as clear as that little video. Your site has some layout issues on iPad: https://app.pagewatch.dev/c2fbbb...
Ryan Wilson
Hey fellow makers! I'm building https://tidyworkspace.com - A browser extension that organizes your tabs into workspaces. I built the MVP last week and it's currently under review in the Chrome Web Store. I created a video demo and posted it in this blog post on the site: https://tidyworkspace.com/blog/t... I haven't gotten around to updating the landing page yet - but if you could check out the video and let me know what you think that would be amazing! I will be sure to return the feedback on whatever you're working on :)
Ryan Wilson
@akashwadhwani35 Hey Akash! Thanks for your kind words. It's awesome to hear that Tidy Workspace might solve your problem :) I checked out your website and made a video of me going to it for the first time: https://www.loom.com/share/74c1b... Hope it is helpful! The main thing I think about it is the messages are really nice, but it feels like it's missing a human element. I'd like to be able to send those messages to people I know and receive them from people I know instead of from the app. I believe the human element is very important in spreading positivity and good vibes. It's an awesome idea, you've got clever messages, and it's much needed in these times!
John H
@ryan_wilson6 Really cool product. Anyone who uses a lot of tabs can definitely benefit from organizing them with tidyworkspace. In terms of the video, I think it would be good to show you labeling the workspaces to show examples of how you might want to organize them. This will help paint a bigger picture in the user's head and can inspire them to come up with their own organizational labels/schemes they would want to try out. Small feature suggestion: Having preset icons you can use to label the workspaces may be easier than text labels since they will take up less space. "Picture is worth 1000 words" Great stuff, looking forward to seeing it progress!
Ryan Wilson
@john_h5 Thanks for the feedback! Makes a ton of sense to help paint the bigger picture. I've been planning to allow for icons instead of text. I'll have to raise the priority of implementing that! There's currently no hard limit on how long the names can be, but I had to use the `overflow: ellipsis` thing for the side bar because it's such a small space. Icons will definitely work way better here. Thanks again! Let me know if there's anything I can return the feedback on.
Looking for more ๐Ÿ˜Š users for my product - https://gum.co/side-project
James Skarzynski
@noy_s Looks nice! I've actually used your site before, and it's really helpful. Is there any way to get a higher resolution image for the header? Not sure what gumroad's policies are.
@jamesskarzynski Hey James, thank you very much for the kind words! It's also great to hear you found it useful :) I guess you meant the kindle image? I uploaded it here - https://imgur.com/a/0Y7xLkI I assume Gumroad lowers the quality of the header images. If you need another header image let me know :)
Christian Heine
Hey everyone! We are currently preparing the next Beta phase of Faden for iOS. Faden tries to reimagine notes & tasks in form of a (very lightweight) journal. Unlike a regular journal you can create follow ups to your notes. Unlike many task apps, you always know when and why you created the task. Every day, note & task acts like an infinite page. You always with a simple note or task, but you can always scale (some early testers have entries with hundreds of sub-entries). Oh, and Faden is private by design and works fully offline (mobile & web). Christian Here's the upcoming page: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... if you would like to participate
Sophia Benhaddou
@christianheine I love the idea and subscribed through ship! Is the beta only for mobile? That wouldn't be my best use case as I use primarly my computer for journalling. However I'd be glad to run user interviews with you guys if you ever need. I use daily the Apple notes app for journalling, planning my day, coaching myself, taking notes... I open a new page everyday but I have many difficulties to reuse or find later the data that I'm looking for. I've tried to use notion for it but it requires too much upfront organisation.
Christian Heine
@sophia_benhaddou Thanks! Really happy you like the idea! Faden runs on both web and mobile. I personally also prefer to write on a laptop, especially for larger entries. And yes, we would absolutely love to run a user interview with you. :) I'll drop you a mail to the address you registered with in Ship.
Oleksandr Senyuk
I've been working my way down the posts on the last two weeks of this discussion, and I must say so many ideas have been executed so well. Thank you all for making--and thank you, @aaronoleary for this thread! We just released KeyReel Premium. It turns your phone into a smart security assistant that keeps your data offline while unlocking your online accounts remotely as you surf on your computer. https://www.producthunt.com/post... Unlike the new Safari update by Apple, KeyReel works on seven popular browsers and any number of supported devices you choose to pair your phone with. You can help us by leaving your feedback on the tool, to help us decide which new features we should prioritize. It's easy to import from other password managers, so don't be shy! Any feedback on the website is welcome as well. If you like it, you can even get the Premium version free forever right now: http://keyreel.io Thank you so much for your help!
Ryan Wilson
@oleksandr_senyuk Hey! I saw the name of your product and realized we had had a conversation on Twitter this past week. I made a video of myself going through your landing page: https://www.loom.com/share/72816... I hope it's helpful! Biggest thing for me was to add more details on how it works. Also, what happens if I get a new phone or lose my current one. Definitely interested to know those based on your landing page!
Oleksandr Senyuk
@ryan_wilson6 Thank you, Ryan, this is definitely helpful. It is challenging getting a demo with two devices, but we're working on it. I will also add the how-it-works section as soon as I can.
Jacob Miller
Hey Product Hunt, We are officially in the soft launch stage for Paragon (https://goparagon.co/). Paragon is a curated marketplace to hire talent for your virtual party. From the best comedians, djs, to dazzling drag queens, Paragon is your premiere destination to make sure you throw the best virtual party. We created paragon to help our friends in the service industry. All of us used to work in the restaurant industry and seeing what happened in NYC devastated us. Noticing a lot of our friends asking us, โ€œCan you help make an old fashionedโ€ or โ€œDo you know any comediansโ€, we realized we can help create a marketplace for people to hire from the talented individuals displaced across the services industries. We believe online events are here to stay. Many companies have decided to permanently work from home, and weโ€™ve seen bookings related to team building events to virtual baby showers. While in person events will return, virtual events allow talented individuals outside of the large cities to perform for an audience they would normally never cross paths with. Social distancing doesnโ€™t mean our lives canโ€™t be social. In fact, now it's an opportunity to reconnect with friends globally and have a personalized dance party in your home brought to you by some of LAโ€™s most sought after dj talent. Looking forward to feedback from the PH community! ProTip: The best events start with a proactive and collaborate host :)
Yaroslav Neznaradko (yarsanich)
Hi! I have a side project. https://acture.app This is an app that helps reduce screen time in a different way than blocking apps and setting limits. The idea is very simple. To be more mindful and intentional with your phone usage, after your phone unlock set an intention and timer. After finishing your intention mark it as a success if you completed it without distractions otherwise mark it as failed. This is kind of self-monitoring tool that will help you to detect your habits. It's free for now. And all user data is stored on your device. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Robert Zalaudek
@yarsanich what kind of feedback have you received from users? Is typing in an intention and then being reminded at a certain interval something people would pay for? Have you thought about adding in some stats that show how many times people used the app and were successful at staying focused or not. We felt adding stats would be helpful and so we added it in to our app https://pomodus.com It may add to your value proposition.
Yaroslav Neznaradko (yarsanich)
@robert_zalaudek there was a lot of feedback and the main part was about additional features like scheduling or more configurable reminders. Some users mentioned stats and I already planned and even have a design for Android version. So stats are next in the roadmap. It's a free app for now so users shouldn't pay for it :) BTW. Your app looks pretty cool. Thanks for the feedback.
Robert Zalaudek
@yarsanich Thanks for your note and the compliment. I wish you continued success with your product and it's development.
Matt Visiwig
Hey everyone, ๐Ÿ‘‹ I just launched Indie Icons and would love to know if my icon tool is useful, my audience typically is web designers, but the tool works for graphic designers too: https://www.producthunt.com/post... Feedback is appreciated!
Matt Visiwig
@akashwadhwani35 thanks for the kind words. Love alert is an interesting concept and the world definitely needs those positive vibes right now! I personally disable notifications where I can as apps generally abuse notifications, but I'm sure there are people out there who would use your app. Best of luck!
Matt Visiwig
@akashwadhwani35 You're welcome. Once a day is reasonable. As a designer, I do have to say your landing page is solid, I really like the minimalist put-togetherness of your presentation for the web app. Clean and easy on the eyes. And you guys certainly know how to use emoji's effectively. ๐Ÿ‘ P.S. While I swear I'm not your audience, I recommend checking out Indie Hackers (not my product), I joined 2 months ago, and they have a great community of makers, while they too are not your audience, they have a great pulse every step of the game.
Matthew Behan-Fossey
Hey Hunters! I'm working on a simple tab manager to make organizing, finding, and managing your work in the browser enjoyable. It was designed to solve my own problems, and help me be more productive by reducing clutter and allowing me to focus on the task at hand. I'm sure you, like all of us, use many tabs throughout your day. If you ever feel like you have way too many tabs open, or you're scared of closing tabs and not being able to find them later, or you even have too many tasks/projects/tabs running at the same time, then Partizion is for you. https://www.partizion.io/ I'd love any feedback on the product. Thanks in advance for your time!
Caroline Chiari
@matthewbf YES!!! Thank you so much!!! I always think that something like this would be useful but never bothered to look for it. I just installed it so I don't have much feedback besides the fact that I was looking for something like this! Once I figure out which of my 200 open tabs to group together, I'll definitely give you more feedback. Thank you very much! You are my savior!
Antonio Ufano
Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹! I'm currently working on theLIFEBOARD a life goals and habits planner (with a twist). I've been woking on it for almost a year and it's been used by some users right now, but we're looking for more feedback. If you want ot giv it a try, you can request early access in our page https://thelifeboard.app or subscribe in our upcoming page: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... See ya ๐Ÿ˜Š
Baptiste Morch
@uf4no My second suggestion might be a bit complex as I understand that habits and tasks are more on a weekly basis rather than daily basis (except for the concept of checking 1 of 3 instances of an habit). Planning the week is great, but if I can also at the start of each day plan my day by picking on which weekly tasks or habits I want to work on today, that could be good. But because of the higher complexity that might bring, it can be seen as a stretch goal for later in the future maybe. :)
David Yap
Hey! I'm working on a music compatibility platform https://sametunes.com/ We are an online music platform that lets you compare music tastes, create playlists, and connect with friends. You don't have to dance around when "What kind of music do you listen to" is asked! You can also generate playlists based on your music similarities with a friend, so you never have to fight over the AUX cord again at a party or a road trip. Check us out, I'm looking for feedback and any other tips. Thanks!
John H
@davidyap Hi really neat product! Some feedback: From your landing page under the "What is SameTunes" part, you mention high scores without explaining it which confused me a bit. I think explaining it in a separate section could be a decent option to show the "gamification" of SameTunes. Though having a "Why all the Permissions" section is good, I don't think it is important enough to have on the landing page. I think the landing page is better to show off the benefits of the product. Perhaps having it on the login page may be a better option. I think having a few screenshots/examples of what the product could do would be great as well. This allows the user to see some of what they can expect from the program. Looking forward to seeing it progress!
David Yap
@john_h5 Thanks John! I appreciate the feedback, I'll see what I can do to rectify those issues. I love the screenshot idea and I will most definitely use that!
Brayden W
Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹, I'm working on my HTML themes selling site https://buildfaster.co Do you have any feedback for the landing page itself and how it communicates the user problem? I'm trying to demonstrate that using my pre-made themes will save them a ton of time compared to doing it from scratch. Thanks for your help ๐Ÿ™
John H
@braydentw Great looking themes. I think the biggest thing aside from the great looking themes is the ease of use. I think having a quick video showing how you can go from having a boring looking site to a great one using your themes would really nail that point. One thing that comes to my mind is how would I implement your clean code into my really messy code easily. Overall, really like the concept and the themes!
Brayden W
@john_h5 thanks so much! I'll work on making a video this weekend :) Just on a sidenote, are you in need of a website theme right now? If you want to take a look at the neat code first, you can get the free theme, Half-Half: https://buildfaster.co/productin...
John H
@braydentw Great to hear! I do not currently need a theme but I know where to look once I do need one :)
Michael Vogt
Hi there! ๐Ÿ™‚ I recently started my art project called concealed art at https://www.concealed-art.com/. This project uses retro game consoles, pinball machines and arcade machines as data source and visualize the machines inner working, uncovering beautiful and unexpected patterns which were hidden to the world until now. I have 3 different series of art prints ready and Iโ€˜m looking for feedback!
Michael Vogt
Hi @akashwadhwani35, thanks for your kind feedback. Yes there is international shipping available. And I really like love alert - I prefer the twitter โ€žfrontendโ€œ ๐Ÿ™‚
Cora Wang
Hi guys! I just launched an app StretchMinder โ€“ a work break timer with guided movement & breathing exercises. Check it out here: https://www.producthunt.com/post... As a designer myself, I have developed RSI and other physical pain over prolonged hours of sitting in front of a screen. And often feel stressed after a whole day of work. Especially since working from home, my body has gotten weaker from sitting too much and not moving enough. My co-founder @calvin_cheng2 is a software engineer who shares the same pain, if not worse. So we built StretchMinder to directly address the needs of someone spend most of their day sitting. It has greatly improved how my body and brain feel when I'm working. I hope it could help you feel better the same way it has helped us! Any feedback would be highly appreciated!
Cora Wang
@akashwadhwani35 Thanks for your feedback, Akash. Happy to know that you like the design. I just checked out your app. First of all, I love the idea, we can all use some love. The design is simple and clean. I understood what it does immediately, good job! For now, the quotes could be too broad. It would be nice if you can sort your quotes into different categories so users can choose what kind of positive quotes they want to receive.
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Hi there! A few days ago we launched Keys to Infinity - the worldโ€™s first endlessly streaming generative solo piano music platform that boosts focus, productivity and creativity. Support us here: https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Fernando Nikolic (mindfold.co)
Hi PH'ers! I'm currently testing my MVP for a community of marketers interested in mental models. This is the page: https://mindfold.co/ Curious to know if the value prop is clear and if the messaging overall is clear (as a marketer) Thank you so much for taking the time to look.
James Skarzynski
Hey everyone! @antdke and I are launching the beta for our new product, https://lovewall.co . Lovewall is a better social proof popup. No more of those spammy, annoying, "20 people in your area are viewing this product" popups. Collect real reviews from your customers, reward them with coupons, and then display them in a popup right on your site. No coding needed, just embed our JS and you're done. We're giving a 14 day free trial for anyone that would like to give it a shot.
Fritz Brumder
@antdke @jamesskarzynski Have you done any dog fooding? This is a classic product for that. I saw your little pop up in the lower left but then it went away. I got it again from using incognito but it just took me to the static reviews page. I like your story and tone of voice on the homepage. It could be a little more crisp to compare it to the competition - "27 Marketers" did not feel like a real example to me. It's a good concept but it would be cool to see it in action first, then try it free, then sign up. Make sense? Hope this helps.
James Skarzynski
@antdke @fritzly Thanks for the feedback! Could you expand a little more on how you'd like to see it in action? We have the popup and lovewall on our site as you would see them on our customers' sites. When you say try it free then sign up do you mean that you'd like a way to try it without creating an account?
Fritz Brumder
@antdke @jamesskarzynski Is this the actual product in action: https://lovewall.co/wall/lovewall ? It would be helpful to see what a lovewall looks like implemented or use it yourself with your customer comments coming through live. (assuming I got the product concept correct:) Again, hope the questions are helpful/constructive.
James Skarzynski
@antdke @fritzly All the help is really appreciated! The product has two main functions. First, is the actual Lovewall, which is what you sent in the link. This is a page where you can see all of your reviews in one place. The second is the popup, which will take reviews from your lovewall (that you specify), and then show them as a popup on your site a la fomo popups.
eslam salem
๐Ÿ‘‹ Hello Hunters! We just launched Shieldfy here today. find us on the homepage :) Shieldfy is Smart code security helper for developers. As a developers, we have tons of features and bug fixes to push every day, at the same time we need to make sure that every change is secure and donโ€™t affect the overall code security. Thatโ€™s why we built Shieldfy, to help developers identify and fix vulnerabilities and security issues inside their codes fast with every push and pull request. Shieldfy offer Human/Developers readable information about the security issues along with actionable steps on how to fix it. We would love your feedback and thoughts. Help us build the best security tool for you. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ https://shieldfy.io https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Ryan Wilson
@eslam_salem Hey! I went through your landing page and made a video of myself reviewing it as a first time visitor. I hope it's helpful! https://www.loom.com/share/9dbd5...