Business Marketing with Nika

7 Starter Strategies for Embracing Connected Customer Growth

It's time for businesses to embrace the Age of the Connected Customer, and focus on growth through improving connection rate. Here are some practical examples of how you can start doing this in your biz! 1️⃣ Content value > Content volume Your audience is overwhelmed. Shift away from volume and instead offer in-depth education, invest in content that drives more connections, and create emerging formats that customer value. 2️⃣ Think outside the blog Driving organic traffic and reaching people on social is only getting harder. Instead, leverage creators and influencers, and go beyond search to channels like podcasts, YouTube, and TikTok. 3️⃣ Be 1st to the party with 1st party advertising Move away from targeting with 3rd party data in favor of leveraging 1st party data from your CRM, so you can increase the relevance of targeting and message. 4️⃣ Earn that open rate Don't want to end up in the spam folder? Help your reps provide content and offer what buyers value: unique data, exclusive peer group access, and edutainment video. 5️⃣ Give a voice with channel choice Email isn't enough. Offer customers omnichannel options like WhatsApp and SMS to reach new audiences, engage with prospects, and delight customers. 6️⃣ Transform your transactions Outdated sales processes are a drag. Make it easy to buy through streamlined processes and eCommerce tech, so you can create new revenue streams and improve the close rates of existing ones. 7️⃣ Put the "serve" back in service Go beyond responding to customers in a fast and timely manner. Provide access to education, expertise, and experiences that allow for more valuable engagement – not just with your customers, but between your customers.

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Vishal Patel
Thank you for sharing these strategies for embracing connected customer growth. I appreciate the practical examples you've provided, and I'll definitely keep them in mind as I work on improving connections with my customers. It's important to prioritize content value over volume, leverage various channels to reach customers, and use first-party data to target messages effectively. I also agree with the idea of giving customers omnichannel options and making the sales process easy and streamlined. Thanks again for the helpful insights!