Back in the days, you had Stumbleupon. Now it is called Mix (
Personally, I like Medium ( because it has only high-quality writing.
Quora ( and Youtube are also good friends if you know what you are looking for.
@jas801 Thanks but I guess thats the million dollar question now. WHen I start looking for somethign these algos show me very related stuff that after a time seems boring/mundane. So how do I get over it is what I wonder...
@samiska seth
When I don't know what you are curious in, I make these questions:
1. Which people do I see as a role model?
2. Which skills do they have to get where they are?
3. Which skill should prioritise?
4. How can I teach myself this skill?
Then I subscribe channels who serve my interest and once in while I remover all the channels who are no longer serving me to teach to algorithm to change with me.
We can only create after we destroy. In reality the one can't live without the other.
Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt
Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt