Does anyone use any resources, courses, books or whatever? If so, how often should someone learn this stuff and how effective are you at actually implementing stuff you learn into your team.
The Lean Startup
The Innovator's dilemma
Competing against luck
The Mom Test
Zero To One
Get Together
Zero To Sold
They all offer insights into this stuff. I'm also trying to summarise insights in my blog if it helps (
Analyzing a product website content and advertising evolution history with is of much help. For mobile game dev, there are great services like AppMagic that let you see the download graphs, ratings, and reviews throughout the updates. Sorry, that's too specific, I know :D
The point is - anything, that exposes a product iterations, has incredible value for you to learn from others' mistakes.
One of my favorite books has been User Story Mapping by Jeff Patton - it's the best description of the process of developing a product that I know of. Combining lean/agile and design thinking to name a few buzzwords, without the book itself being buzzword-y ;) ->
Nack AI