Prathamesh Krisang

Post a link to your product and let's discuss WHERE to acquire new customers...


πŸ‘‰ Here Are The Rules, 1. ☝️ Post the link to your product 2. ✌️ Help others in the comment with your ideas on where they can acquire new users 3. πŸ’ͺ If the audience of someone's product aligns with yours, explore a potential collaboration GO! πŸš€

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Prathamesh Krisang
Here's the link to our product, an online video editor Recast Studio : @abhinavsohani @satendra_kunwar
Fritz Brumder
@abhinavsohani @satendra_kunwar @krisang I have a lot of video editing experience so I will need to dig in on this but my first impression was the name suggest casting or streaming but the product is more offline editing and posting?
@abhinavsohani @satendra_kunwar @krisang Looks pretty interesting. Does it integrate with cloud based storage easily? E.g. if I am storing my content in Google Drive or Dropbox, would this be able to pull from there directly?
Prathamesh Krisang
@abhinavsohani @satendra_kunwar @krisang @fritzly The product is an online video editor. The idea is to help marketers, journalists and creators repurpose their existing content into different video formats.
Prathamesh Krisang
@abhinavsohani @satendra_kunwar @krisang @mrbobaleena Right now it grabs the video from YouTube and local file storage. But we are in the process of integrating it with Drive & dropbox so that you can directly grab the footage and media form there.
Ryan Glass
@abhinavsohani @satendra_kunwar @krisang this looks pretty good for makers - get involved on multiple maker communities as well as Product Hunt e.g. Indie Hackers, Makerlog etc
Fritz Brumder
Thanks @krisang We are working on We are lunching on Product Hunt the week of 11/9. Would love any feedback or suggestions on where else to share our product.
Prathamesh Krisang
@krisang @fritzly Wow! This is amazing. Have you thought of integrations with existing CRMs & support apps? Like Freshdesk, Zendesk, Hubspot etc?
Mr Ethar Alali
@krisang @fritzly This is nice! A couple of things you might find useful includes the integration of this with CRM tools, like @krisang mentioned, but perhaps also integrations with chatbots (which are relatively easy to integrate anyway). For Automedi, I might be able to use this as it happens. Probably worth breaking out to messaging?
Fritz Brumder
@krisang @fritzly Thanks for taking a look. We have a long list of integrations. CMS integrations are the top of the list but we have started to consider support apps as well. Any suggestions on how to market within app marketplaces? Like Hubspot?
Fritz Brumder
@krisang @fritzly @ethar_alali I don't think there is a DM function on PH unless you subscribe to our launch so you can email me on my generic email and I will be on the look out: fbrumder [at] gmail
@fritzly Hey Fritz, Love the idea. Just tried to sign up for the Alpha and got an API error on form submission. Drop me a line and I can ping you the error/SS. Cheers.
Ramy Wafaa
That's a nice idea! Here's our product we actually just launched one of the packs on product hunt today Any feed back on how to improve is highly appreciated! πŸ™
Prathamesh Krisang
@ramywafaa Ramy, this looks very good. We have a directory that lists these tools. Will add it. Also have you thought of licensing these with design apps like Canva and others?
Ramy Wafaa
@ramywafaa @krisang Thanks πŸ™ i appreciate listing it! i am actually thinking of this, a bit hard to get the contacts tho, but the plan is to make a corporate license that allows products like Canva and other to use the illustrations and integrate them easily with their services.. we already have the Api.
Cosmin Gheorghila
@ramywafaa @krisang Krisang, can you tell me more about your tools list, please? I would like to discover it too! Thanks a lot
Parisa Mosadegh
Hi And here is the link to our new featured product on PH: (
Prathamesh Krisang
@parisa_mosadegh This looks very valuable. I have done a lot of ecommerce sales.So looking at inspiring shopify stores is helpful.
Ankit Upadhyay
Here is the product link Here are Tangram Illustrations I created on figma (Ofcourse Tangram is not my invention) I am trying to create some meaningful illustrations with the help of tangram to use in UI/UX pr web design. Should I add work more on it, or just leave it here. These Illustrations are Free and open-source as you can see on github here
Mir Taha Ali
Here's a link to my product. . It is industrial monitoring solution for siemens s7 PLCs and designed to fit any industry.
Mr Ethar Alali
Thanks! I'm the maker of Automedi, A 3D printing platform for general health and social care products that brings down the cost, supply risks and climate impacts of health and social care products and equipment. We launched at the beginning of October.
Prathamesh Krisang
@ethar_alali this looks like B2B product. Have you tried creating videos around use cases and then building a base on LinkedIn by adding very focused and relevant in your network? LinkedIn is working pretty well nowadays.
Mr Ethar Alali
@ethar_alali @krisang Great! That's exactly what we have done. Our videos are on our socials and the sales folk are supposed to be covering LinkedIn. We've had a couple of leads from there but selling into the UK NHS is a looooong funnel, that often has a procurer at the end of it somewhere :) Good to hear we are on the right track though.
Tarek Dajani
Hello, this is a link of our product (still under construction): Expected to launch by end of this month. Would appreciate any feedback on where to share our product.
Prathamesh Krisang
@tdajani Can you tell who this product is for? Individuals or companies? And what exactly do you mean by "better financial decisions"? Something specific might help me get a better idea.
Tarek Dajani
@tdajani @krisang It's a service mainly for individuals, although down the line I can make agreement with banks or crowdfunding platforms to add my platform as an option for individuals who wish to perform a financial valuation or financial feasibility study on their company / idea. Overall though, B2C not B2B. I mean by "Make better financial decisions" is that when you perform a valuation or understand the financial feasibility of your project you would make a better decision. So it is basically an online financial services platform, which is significantly cheaper and faster compared to going to a company or freelancer to do the valuation or feasibility study for you.
Griffin kisia
This is the link to my product: a business suite web application that combines finance management, customer relationship management, and more.
Prathamesh Krisang
@kisia This looks like an extensive product. There are literally 100s of entry points for your customers to get into your ecosystem.
Griffin kisia
@kisia @krisang Very true, we are building a single platform that can run all departments in a business and making it affordable.
Ryan Glass
Just started and am building in the open.
Prathamesh Krisang
@ryan_w_glass you should get some existing twitter growth coaches onboard with affiliate partnerships.
Ian Tyack
Our company is named Alset (as in You're All Set!) It's the first free mobile app for bartering, favors, and paid goods & services. We're targeting 18-40-year-olds but need some help acquiring users to reach critical mass.
Prathamesh Krisang
@iantyack I think it would be a good idea for you to work with @cosmin_gheorghila1 @rrazvann to find influencers who would like to do bartering with their fans.
Cosmin Gheorghila
@iantyack @cosmin_gheorghila1 @rrazvann @krisang Thanks a lot for recomandation. If you are interested join us on Also you can contact me on for further infos. Have a great day!
Mariano Pardo
Hi everyone πŸ‘‹ My product is Flowoid, a no-code workflow automation tool:
Meghna Bagri
Here is the link to our product- ADOHM The goal is to build a new age marketing platform powered by AI designed to be a modern marketer secret weapon which can automate the process, deliver campaigns with minimal wastage of budgets and higher ROI on ad spends.
Nikita Kanade - product strategy, innovation and design agency for fast growing startups and enterprises looking to test and validate new ideas quickly and effectively
Razvan Angheluta
Hello, here is the link to our application: It is a powerful analytics tool for Instagram platform. We are soon launching it on PH, so stay tuned. @cosmin_gheorghila1
Cosmin Gheorghila
@cosmin_gheorghila1 @rrazvann Thanks for introduction. One big differentiator for our application is that you can analyze your Instagram data from two points of view: 1. Cohort - where you can see behaviors 2. In deep - Cohort decomposed into post/story one by one. Also you have indicators that which it tells what is good and what goes wrong. And the best news: It's free for PH users (if contact us, of course :) ). All the best!
Prathamesh Krisang
@cosmin_gheorghila1 @rrazvann This looks brilliant. Have you thought of creating some specific messaging. Like Influencer marketing for ecommerce. Influencer marketing for coaches. etc.? The tool can remain same but how they looks at it differs from niche to niche. Also, would love to try it out. Tell me how to get access.
Cosmin Gheorghila
@cosmin_gheorghila1 @rrazvann @krisang Thanks a lot for feedback. That's a great idea and will be perfectly integrated with a new feature from roadmap (dynamic dashboard). Try it! Any feedback it will be highly appreciated
Vartika Jaiswal
Hey, that's a great idea. Here is the link to our product - I’d love you to give it a try and let us know what you think. :)
Benson Munyoki
Here is the link to my site that lets creators (brand owners) answer questions about their brands >> Also don't forget to read our story
Valentin Radu
Thanks @krisang, great initiative! I'm trying to productivize my tech experience as a maker and developer @ Would love any feedback and suggestions!
Prathamesh Krisang
@krisang @rad_val_ My 2 cents. I would recommend you to create some specific offerings as a package. Like, 1. Build An MVP in 4 weeks. 2. Backend optimization to make you ready for scale Etc etc... I just threw some random ideas that were on top of my mind.
Moritz Wobith
I'm the founder of the travel-tech company We make group travels easy and give them a structure! What is your opinion on that? Would love to chat about itπŸš€