
AI Glow up app


Hey guys, I would like to share a new product I am currently working on and would like to pick your brains. In the last couple months, i have seen a spike in “ how to get a glow up” and “ change yourself in 6 months” content. I noticed in all of those content videos, the number of people that had bookmarked it was astonishing. I’m talking 20k or more on average. Even the comments would ask step by step questions to achieve a specific goal. This got me thinking and also from personal experience. What is consisted of a “ glow up” and what does one need to work on or improve to be the best version of yourself. On that account, I have come up with an app that i am actually working on called “ WinterArc AI”. The purpose of the app is to provide step by step guide on areas where one would need to embed or improve in their daily lives. It’s not another calorie tracker or healthy eating app. It will provide users some very specific areas they must improve to get that “glow up”. For instance a defined facial structure is a very important part of a glow up, so the guide will provide users steps how to get a defined jawline, debloat your face, get a clearer skin or steps on fixing posture, hygiene care. Very specific targeted, not just advise on working out. The app will have AI based on users current habit and will determine how to address the issues they feel insecure about. Tell me what you guys think!

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