I'm a web developer and designer. For my design work i use Figma (switched over from Sketch a while ago). For actually building stuff i use NodeJS (with Typescript) and React (depends on the project, so either plain old React, NextJS or Remix). There are many other tools i use, so here are some of my favourites for both front- and backend work:
- Postrgres, Firebase (hope i can replace that one with Supabase soon), Elasticsearch, Algolia, Redis
- TailwindCSS (and a lot of TailwindUI), Radix UI, Headless UI
- Most of my projects are deployed to Vercel, because it is just insanely convenient and has great DX.
- Sentry.io for headless CMS.
We'll be launching our product mailbites.io on August 9th, which is supposed to simplify custom email development by providing components, sections, layouts and templates made with MJML. We would really appreciate your support. The mailbites website is made with a very simple stack: frontend (and the bit of backend we need) are implemented with Remix, and the user data is stored in Supabase. For payment processing we use lemonsqueezy (which i can only recommend). And the whole thing is deployed to Vercel.
According to me the MERN stack is best for developing single-page applications and mobile applications but still if you want to get a better idea you can read this blog: https://www.biztechcs.com/blog/m...