Any fitness routines or sports?

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Yes, I'm still working out every day with my product Sports Party, half an hour a day and I'm sweating!
Priyanka Saini
Yoga is the best!! :)
Muhammad Daffa Shiddiq
Badminton for the agility and running for the endurance. it's the perfect combo to keep me active and energized!
Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
Running, running and running :) 2 Marathons a year minimum, with the associated weeks of preparation ;)
Domas Sakavickas
@pydubreucq wow amazing! What's your best Marathon result?
Bilal Asif
Hiking and hitting the gym helps a great deal.
Udaya Sri
I really enjoy playing badminton. I used to do some yoga too, but I need to get back into it.
Shiva Tejasvi
I used to swim regularly as a hobby, but now I only do it occasionally.
Evan Christopher
Running or cycling every once in a week! :)
Ritesh Jha
I love playing basketball, even though it's a tough game and there's always a risk of getting banged up. You need to have good stamina, game sense, and body control. The best part about basketball is that you can never be the best – every day is a chance to do better. Some days, you do great; other days, not so much. That drive to improve every day comes from playing basketball for me. I do prefer Poker or Snooker sometimes.
Domas Sakavickas
@actually_ritesh Cheers for basketball buddy! I used to play that for the last 15 years, but the last 2 seasons were super unsuccessful, I broke the ligaments of my ankle. So from this season, I decided to make some pause from it. Good luck with your improvement!
Strength training 4-5x/week. Conditioning (running when its nice out) ~2x week. Should be conditioning more...
Bohdan Mashtalir
Yes, swimming and daily gym workouts help me maintain balance in my body a lot.
Kexin Liu
Lifting 3-4 times a week, and cycle & hoop at least 1 time per week
Jack Lipsky
Monday, Thursday, Friday: in the gym weight-training Wednesday: adult-league ice-hockey Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday: Rest, but make sure to walk a few miles!
Steven Granata
simple exercises for consistent fitness results
Nihal Ahamed
Weekend badminton with friends for a couple hours and Weekdays chess to increase my dopamine and adrenaline rush
Alexandre Contador
I love hiking and since I’m in the Netherlands - biking 🚴
Alexander Kovalov
Do only base exercises like squats, deadlift, bench press, shoulder press, pullups, pushups. Try to do at least 2 body cycles per week. Doing it right now for a month, feeling powerful!
Han Kim
Planning on doing a 10k marathon in October!
Ezalhela EzlH
Smart Play APK is a great tool for finding fitness routines or sports tutorials. With its intuitive interface, you can easily access workout videos and sports tips, making it convenient to stay active and healthy.
Almaz Zagidullin
I do regular strength training at the gym, work out on the bar and take daily walks. i used to do rowing machine, but it's hard to combine it with strength training