Harshit Chawla

Any good books for Marketers and Business.

For next month I want a good book to read related to Marketing and Growth that everyone must read! Any recommendations?

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Mekkie Bansil
Hey Harshit. You should definitely check out some of the free Growth and Marketing resources on nonfik: https://www.nonfik.com/book-cate...
Shekhar Chandra
From Impossible to Inevitable by Aaron Ross, Jason Lemkin helped me a lot.
Simeon Ivanov
How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie :)
Saksham Pathak
I would recommend : 1. Marketing Management by Philip Kohtler 2. Jab Jab jab Right Hook 3. Influence by Robert chialdini 4. Everyone writes (for content writing) Hope it helps
Elena Cirera
I want to recommend Hacking Growth by Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown.