@salar__davari yeah it’s as simple as this but find often find it tough to execute it. Everyone just over thinks this when all they need to do is take a step back and relax
Don't get distracted. Stay focused and take breaks.
Reduce your distractions - social media, constantly pinging apps, phone calls. You don't need all that noise.
Stay focused - tell yourself you'll work for 1 hour and work for 1 hour. Don't overdo it. Take breaks.
Rest - don't work for 15 hours without a break. Every 1-2 hours, take a 15-30 minute break. Work with a fresh mind.
Remember about getting some good rest. For example I have a one day in a week where I just let myself to be less productive, it allows me to letsome steam off.
Here are some tips for staying productive without burning out, explained in simple words:
Take regular breaks
Set realistic goals
Prioritize tasks
Get enough sleep
Exercise regularly
Eat healthy foods
Say no to extra work when needed
Use a to-do list
Avoid multitasking
Reward yourself for completing tasks
These tips can help you work efficiently while taking care of yourself. Remember, it's important to balance work and rest. Listen to your body and mind. If you feel tired, take a break. Focus on one task at a time. Make time for things you enjoy outside of work. This approach can help you stay productive in the long run without feeling exhausted.
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