App that gets answers from a user specified source
Let's say you give it a essay to read that's about 20 pages.
It'll read it in 2-5 seconds. After it's done reading it, every time you ask it a question, it'll instantly give you the answers based on the essay.
For each question,
- It'll give you multiple possible answers from the source.
- It'll rank each answer on the percentage scale based on how accurate it might be.
- If you click on an answer, it'll take you to the exact line of the pdf from where it got the answers from.
Now, this pdf document could be anything.... from an essay, website link, office paper, thesis, images, .docx/.pdf/.jpg or anything that's readable. The app will read it, understand it and answer questions.
It's in its development stage and if you are interested in trying out the beta version, you can signup here:
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask.