Syed Riyaz Uddin

Are social media posts increasingly losing effectiveness or catching no impressions?


Most of the posts I made on Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram aren't reaching the right audience (or sometimes no audience at all). This was all due to millions of posts per day probably spammed or shitposted by someone who wanted to have some fun. I'd recommend trying less popular platforms like Mastodon, LinkedIn Articles, substack, Cofounders Lab, Tumblr, ProductHunt Discussions etc. Although we would have less viewers but the chances of your post getting viewed would be higher.

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Elle Gzirishvili
the problem with mainstream platforms is that you need to post consistently, I'd say even daily for the posts to have engagement and even that sometimes doesn't work. on the other hand on the less popular platforms you might not even have the audience to engage with. my advice would be to really think about the type of content you would share and choose the platform accordingly.
Syed Riyaz Uddin
@elle_g I agree, eventually it depends on the type of the content you produce. But beside popularity, we could measure the effectiveness with other factors like platform growth or new changes (eg. stories on twitter, reels on instagram). On twitter/quora, we had some growth opportunities until a cult started where massive audience is trying to spam one agenda/trend. On the other hand, platforms like Discord, Twitch, and Telegram are happy with having a particular audience. There are still a few platforms like Substack and Lemon8 that have the potential to catch up and provide opportunities for growth, as long as they are not overwhelmed by spam.
Syed Riyaz Uddin
Promotion: Try my platform and create visual posts/SEO-friendly articles.