Ben Katz

Are we in an AI hype bubble?

Great way to know if you are in a hype bubble... Compare it to the 2021 crypto hype peak on Google trends! We're suspiciously close to the same level of hype and attention according to that view. (if only I could post screenshots) That said, the floodgates of real-world applications for AI have opened vs. the "hammer desperately seeking a nail" we've seen so far with web3. It's been awesome seeing what people have built with AI over the past month and the tech is definitely here to stay. Lots of cool stuff ahead.

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Krishna Kumar
Of course we are. Just look at the price of .AI domains :)
Yeah, we definitely are 🫡 But it feels like we’re getting much more from AI than we ever got from crypto. Let’s see what comes next!
Richard Gao
I think we're in a hype bubble, but considering how many use cases AI has, I think it's less of a bubble and more of a "this tech is early right now and no established competitors exist yet".
Ben Katz
@richard_gao2 I think the tech is legit and will genuinely change a lot of things but that consumer attention comes in short intense spurts and right now we're in the middle of one of those spurts
Yes I think so - but it's exciting!
Rian Robertson
Launching soon!
I'd surmise they are quite different since crypto and web3 was extremely esoteric...(i.e. very hard to describe and to sell the merits to a layperson). Compare that to ChatGPT which has made it incredibly easy for a layperson to try their hands at it, and therefore begin to at least grasp a sense of the merits of make of that what you will 🤷‍♂️
Ben Katz
@rianbrob Agree they are very different. My thought is that attention comes in intense, fleeting bursts and that regardless of how many applications there are (or aren't)the hype will fade. It will likely come in waves
Carter Michael
Yes. I think (and hope) the hype starts to level. It seems like every piece of content I consume has AI this or AI that in the title. That being said, I don't think the tools will go away, I just think some audiences will use them a lot more and others a lot less than they think.
Jonayed Tanjim
Yes, we are. Plus people are also having misconceptions about innovation just building tools integrating OAI APIs. People build stuff on AWS, that doesn't mean they're innovating cloud.
Howe Wang
Yes to the bubble, but some part of the technology output will endure and thrive in the long term
Marcin Zietek
I visited Lisbon this year at the Web Summit, and had a chance to listen to Noam Chomsky reflecting on AI linguistic models and their use in actual reality. His main message was this: "God forbid humanity treats AI as a source of truth. If this happens, we're doomed, as the models are regenerative, statistical and don't actually understand anything they're talking about". It was a chilling message, especially given the context of a hyped up tech conference, where people are looking for the next big thing. That said it seems that when used correctly, these models simplify a lot of burdensome interfacing and can be used in very creative ways. So yeah, we're probably in the hype cycle, but ultimately, I'm not sure how long it will last. Paradoxically, because AI's usefulness is immediately apparent, so having a "natural language interface for everything" will become the norm quickly, and not some holy grail never seen before thing around which a long hype cycle is possible.