Andrea Naomi

Are you finding it harder to find new and interesting marketing software?


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Saul Fleischman
I think the options continue to grow and quickly. I find that consummate solutions that streamline processes and onboard the new sign-up with solutions that actually get results remain few in number. One thing that never changes is that when we do let prominent third-party investors get in bed with us we are rarely seen. In other words, you can offer the world cold fusion the size of a soda can but do so with your own money alone, you're overlooked by the press and thus, the masses.
Andrea Naomi
@osakasaul sage wisdom Saul and I do share the same sentiment of solutions that actually get results.
Anna Chen
I feel like, in all the recommended posts and shares, most of the recommended marketing tools are just those few.
Noel Bellen
I am heading the sales team, not really looking for marketing software.
Sven Radavics
Let me introduce you to one you may not have heard before: