Hannah S Kim

Are you on Indie Hackers?


I recently joined Indie Hackers, and am in the process of learning more about its community. In your experience, how have you used the platform, and how have you contributed/benefitted from it? Are there any best practices for engaging with other founders and makers?

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Moritz Wobith
I am also active there! I found it really useful. You have different knowledge-groups which you can join. E.G. "Growth", "Feedback" or "SEO". You can read the threads or ask for specific problems/questions you have. In my experience the Indie Hackers community is very helpful and respectful!
@mwobith Agree with you. The way to have a niche within a community is good.
Moritz Wobith
@vladojsem Great! I can show you around via Zoom/Hangouts or just explain you in the chat what you want to know :)
Moritz Wobith
@hannahsuyun Great to hear! If you have any more questions don't hesitate and ask:) I am happy to help!
Ivan Homola
I love Indie Hackers. It's a great community where you can get feedback on your product and find very interesting content. You can create a project and share milestones. I found this feature very useful. I used to be quite active there, but I miss the personal touch. I didn't really know those people there, and they didn't know me. It's a big community, so it's impossible to know everyone. That's why I decided to create a small friendly community of indie makers. We are a bunch of friends with whom you share the post you found on Indie Hackers. 🙂 Also, we share our weekly goals and have regular mastermind calls.
Lior Barak
I am there but didn't manage to get anything out of it yet
Cica-Laure Mbappé
Hi, I joined Indie Hackers two months ago. I surprisingly l learned a lot of stuff. Follow the groups you might be interested in and don't be afraid to ask for feedback. The IH community is really supportive.
Fabian Maume
I'm on Indie Hackers, but I'm not much active there.
Md Salehin Khan
I am on Indiehackers & actively following the makers & it's very helpful for me to grow my business & knowledge
Yeah It's great. So far I've mostly used it to get feedback on ideas.
Daniela Passos
I am there @hannahsuyun! https://www.indiehackers.com/pos... Hope this is useful, I have found some amazing resources and knowledge there.
Hannah S Kim
@danielamoitinho Thank you for sharing, Daniela! I can see this being useful for email/blog/social media marketing :)
Ghost Kitty
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Pankaj Patidar
Yes, I'm on Indiehackers. it's a great place to learn about other makers and see progress and share progress while you build in public. here's me https://www.indiehackers.com/Ind...
Nazim @Koinju
This is not about hackers, this is about spirit ! Think different ?
Its a great place to be
Bernard Laporte
Je n'ai pas encore eu l'occasion de rejoindre la communauté. Cependant, je trouve que c'est très tentant et je vais peut être y passer