yes, I do run Google Ads. I think the vast majority of companies should run them, at least to some extent. The first piad acquisition customers are cheaper to obtain; the costs rise exponentially the more you scale.
@daniel_engels Thats an important point to make note of, what makes the costs rise with scale? Just in number of eyes you're trying to reach or some other piece I am missing?
@dylan_merideth Google typically sells the 3 top positions above the organic search results. It's an auction. It's cheaper to bid for the 3rd position than the first one - but you'll get fewer impressions.
There are other reasons too.
Too sum it up, it's rather cheap to get the first few conversions, but then the cost rises exponentially. This is normal.
@luka_vasic I wish I could say from experience, but I will say that I have heard in other conversations with founders on twitter that LinkedIn ads are quite expensive, but not a bad route especially if your target demo lives there. Between facebook and google, is there one that has been a better experience for you?
Thanks for the information, I will try to figure it out for more. Keep sharing such informative post keep suggesting such post. https://www.marriottglobalsource...
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