I spent nearly 5 years working in nonfiction audiobook publishing and used to always listen to nonfiction books in audio format. However, these days I prefer to read nonfiction in hardcover and only listen to fiction.
If I'm to indulge myself with some fiction, then it's audio all the way. I can walk and listen at the same time, do workouts and listen, clean the house and listen, and whatever.
On the other hand, If the book is accompanied by some visual data or needs more of my processing power, then it should be in text form
Depends really. I like ebooks/physical books over audiobooks most times, but then some cool venture comes along (GraphicAudio) and changes it. So mix of both
It depends. For most fiction, I prefer physical books. But for a lot of nonfiction, audiobooks are great. If it's narrated well, it feels like a good podcast.
Really interesting to see that the poll is pretty much split down the middle. I've never been able to get into audiobooks as any small lapse in concentration, and I'd find myself lost, and trying to rewind the player isn't as intuitive as moving my eyes to the last few words on the page. So gotta be physical books for me!
I used to read a book on my way to work on the London Underground because it was the only thing that worked down there. It was always more fulfilling and satisfying than playing a mobile game or idly staring at the really weird ads on the side of the carriage.
For me, it's always a physical book. There's just something about holding the actual book in my hands that reinforces the sense I'm reading, not just listening to something like I would music with an audiobook, or staring at a screen when using a digital copy.
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