Be expert! 20 content ideas to position your expertise in your field
1. Share a recent accomplishment to showcase your expertise and success.
2. Discuss a mistake you made and how you learned from it.
3. Challenge a specific norm in your field by sharing your POV about it.
4. Share a unique process or approach that sets you apart from others in your field.
5. Show your appreciation to the people who influenced your journey and the lessons you learned from them.
6. Share a positive customer testimonial to build credibility and trust.
7. List the top three tools or resources that help you be more productive or efficient.
8. Offer career advice or tips for people starting in your industry.
9. Interview an industry expert or influential figure and share valuable insights from the conversation.
10. Reflect on a book or article that impacted on your professional growth and share key takeaways.
11. Highlight a recent industry event or conference you attended and share takeaways or memorable moments.
12. Share a BTS of your work process or a project you're currently working on.
13. Discuss a recent industry news or research study and provide your perspective on its implications.
14. Offer a step-by-step tutorial or guide that addresses audience pain points.
15. Share an inspiring story or anecdote about a valuable lesson or principle in your field.
16. Share an infographic or data visualization related to an industry topic or trend.
17. Host a live Q&A session on social media where you answer questions from your audience in real-time.
18. Share your experience related to a common mistake within your industry and how you overcame it.
19. Collaborate with other thought leaders & create a joint piece of content.
20. Debunk common misconceptions or myths in your industry.
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