Always remember your product is the best. Create a brand for it in the market and talk to your customers, get their views and suggestions, implement them, and see the results!
For tech entrepreneurs, I'd say forget the tech.
You are solving a problem for someone, if the solution to that problem is tech, then grat, but if the first version is a low code MVP, then also great. What you need is to create a business that can create value and then retain part of that value as profit.
Tech is a mean not an end.
Don't get too attached to your initial idea. It's likely going to pivot as you start getting user feedback. Lean startup methodology and tools like A/B testing with Optimizely or user insights from Hotjar can be useful here. Be flexible and always ready to adapt based on what your audience is telling you.
@glowrussell Here research development plays an important role and yeah user feedbacks are one of the keen things that you always keep in mind while diversification and innovation.
Well lot could be said but best go read it from the best 😁
Key élément to building a successful product is to solve a problem and help people achieve progress.
I would say read When coffee and kale compete to learn how to achieve that.
Also will it fly is a must read if you dont know where to start to test your ideas and launch your product
Lastly, UX is important, would recommend Dont make me think if you feel you are lacking in that départment.
Hope it helps!
Learn how to sell. I myself have a strong technical background. I'm an introvert and tried my best to avoid it, but in the end, this necessity caught up with me.
Work on marketing. Tech people, us, usually know how to build a product, but we struggle to sell it. Plus, validating the ideas is tricky as well because we look from a certain window but that cannot be true for non-tech people.
@ekrcet Yea, but as a founder Ekrem selling the product depends on how legit your value prop is. Timing, penetration, GTM all comes when you need to increase sale.