Diksha Patro B

Best strategies and places to post lead magnets.

I have a lead magnet to capture prospects - "100+ places to post your podcast at". I worked hard on this and would love to get your suggestions to make the best out of this capture as many leads as possible through the lead magnet. Thanks a lot in advance!

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Where do podcast stakeholders hang around? It might be a podcast studio they are renting, or it might be some online community. There might even be some influencers in the space. FB can target users interested in podcasts. Are all of them your target audience? Certainly not. Is it worth a test? For sure. You should know your audience better than any one here.
Diksha Patro B
@denis_tl Makes sense! Do you recommend running ADs for Freebies and lead magnets?
@dikshapatrob If these ads get you leads that later convert into paying customers then it makes sense, yes. The only way to be sure if it makes sense is to test it.
Roland Marlow
Post it on your site and then link to it on social media and do ads if you have a funnel to sell.
Tarun Saini
Nice. Would love to connect further. Mulesoft Tutorial
Sahil Patel
There are channels like self-plug or self-promotion or random in many communities where you can post your lead magnet