Never been able to listen to audiobooks, the point of reading a book for me aside from the actual content is the ink and paper, otherwise I'd prefer watching a Youtube video.
@ofir_kruvi I can totally see your point, but I wouldn't want to give up my audiobooks. Whilst it's great to watch YouTube videos, when I'm cleaning that's not really an option, so audiobooks are the better choice for me for those activities :D
Love both!!
On a side note, can we take a second to appreciate how genius the monthly credit feature is? Instead of cash?
I find the rise in my audiobook consumption super interesting. I use Audible all the time, and tbh, as a subscription goes, it's really not cheap. Every time I try to cancel, I realize how many free credits I have left, and I hate to waste it, so I download a few more, end up listening and forget all about canceling my subscription.
I would imagine I'm not the only one doing this? You win, Amazon lol
I also enjoy a mix of reading and audiobooks! Reading allows me to dive deep into the story at my own pace, while audiobooks are perfect for fitting more books into my busy schedule. They make tasks and commutes so much more enjoyable.
My take is that paper books are old school, though much more enjoyable. I cuddle with a crime story, sip a cup of joe, and just unwind. Perfect! However, I happen to listen to audiobooks as well (when I am on the road, for instance).
I lean towards audiobooks for biographies, especially when narrated by the author—it adds a personal touch. For educational material, I prefer physical books for the ease of highlighting and tabbing key points.
Might be oldschool, but definelty books. Even though an audio book may be more time-effcient, I always seem to pay more attention and gain more knowledge when I read a book, rather than just listening to it. How do you feel about this?
Oh, I really like to use both. I usually read a book in the morning and listen to audiobooks while I'm on the road or training. And yes, there are moments when I stop my gym session because my brain is exploding with an idea, but that's okay, I like it. Haha.
The Death of Ivan Ilyich is the only audiobook I have ever listened but ended up reading it again in paper to truly make one with the book.
But audiobooks are probably ok for personal development, learning etc
I prefer reading physical books. I find I can't listen to audiobooks because they seem too long of a commitment, whereas podcast episodes are the right amount of time if I'm going for a walk or doing chores around the house.
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