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Business Marketing with Nika

Brand colour psychology – this can influence how people perceive and interact with your brand

I normally had it as a subject at university as part of a lecture (it was part of my studies), so it might be valuable for you one day. 😀 🔵 Blue – Widely used by tech companies, banks, and healthcare providers, blue signifies trust, dependability, professionalism, and security. 🟢 Green – Seen in brands to health, sustainability, and the environment, green symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness and nature. 🔴 Red – Utilized by food and beverage companies, as well as in the automotive industry, red represents energy, passion, excitement, and urgency. Sometimes is used in a food industry (KFC, McDonalds, CocaCola). 🟡 Yellow – Commonly used to evoke feelings of optimism, warmth, and creativity, yellow is often found in brands targeting children and promoting fun and happiness. 🟠 Orange – Representing enthusiasm, creativity, and energy, orange is frequently used in brands aiming to stand out and inspire action.

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Ghost Kitty
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Ghost Kitty
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Ghost Kitty
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Boris Markarian
Cool, thank you for this info, Nika. Also, (as far as I'm concerned) the blue color helps you stay awake longer, so all social networks use it.
Marvin Mändle
Thanks for sharing. What is purple representing?
Nitin Joshi
Thats something new i have learn here. thank you! good share.
Igor Lysenko
I agree that flowers can influence brand recognition. I think everyone reacts differently to colors and some people don't see the optimism in yellow.
Michael Shver
Definitely thought about the characteristics of the color blue while choosing it as the accent one for Steerer! 😁
Domas Sakavickas
Nice, Nika, thanks for that! Are there colours that you should avoid at all costs?
Konrad S.
I hate orange and violet. Always wonder why so many companies are using those ;) BTW, you forgot black, white, gray. I'd say together with blue, those best represent professionalism.
Aditya Kumar Saroj
What does black and white indicate?
Soumya Chaturvedi
So apt
Matt Findlay
This why I used 💙 for my UI and brand. Trust and dependability needs to be conveyed to my users.
Rasha Rahman
We love Green for MindTrainer! Our target market being mens health, it was a great choice for us.
Elizabeth Gorgon
The design of a resource is the first thing that catches a person's eye, and its color is the first thing that is evaluated. The user instantly and subconsciously decides whether to stay on the page or close it, whether he likes the colors of the site, whether they evoke pleasant and correct associations or, on the contrary, repel and form negative emotions. That is why it is very important to take such factors into account when creating. And if you want to randomly select a color for your project, you can always use the wheel of colours.