Heleana Grace

Can I create your company's product promo video for ✨free✨?


Hey builders! πŸ‘‹ My name is Heleana, and I run videodeck.co - a video production service for SaaS companies. In 2022 we helped two growing startups by creating their explainer videos for free. In 2023 planned on creating 12 videos for 12 amazing companies for ✨ free ✨ (about $3k in value/video) We took a small break for the past three months as we had some growing pains and worked hard on expanding our team. **So we are catching up! We are doing three videos for three amazing tech companies this month! ** We already gave two videos away in January and February to Saas companies that commented on our last post. If you want to be part of this month's giveaway. So if you want us to create a video for you for free this January, here's what you have to do: Drop a comment with: The name of your Company/Project Few words about your business Other details that you might like us to consider Connect with me on Twitter; I'll DM you there if you win: https://twitter.com/HVideodeck That's it! We will choose the winner at the end of the month. πŸ† Previous winners: TrashPanda - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un_8UsVyrzo MojoAuth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQt47y0ZTjA PlusDocs - Video coming soooon! Excited to hear about your company!

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Hey Heleana, it would be wonderful! Project: WP/TASK Description: We offer a maintenance service for our customers who have WordPress. We keep their site updated for security issues. We offer weekly backups and a 24/7 uptime monitor. Every month our customers receive a detailed report of what has been done to their site and its health. Website: https://wptask.net/ I already followed you with my twitter account: https://twitter.com/heypasquale Cheers! Pasquale
Vlad Zivkovic
Hey Heleana, this is awesome! It's ridiculous how much value you offer here! Here is our website: https://www.wewaat.com Company: Wewaat - Hire preassembled teams of freelancers. Wewaat stands for: We work as a team! Description: Wewaat enables entrepreneurs, startups and businesses to seamlessly hire complete vetted team of freelancers in days instead of months. We also foster collaboration between talented freelancers and help them form teams which can take on bigger projects together. I followed you on twitter.
Hi Helena, πŸ‘‹ Seeing your post after a long time... Thanks for the offer again. Eagerly waiting for a video on BlockSurvey. https://blocksurvey.io/ Thanks again.
Aphelia T.
Hi Heleana, That's an amazing opportunity. Thank you for what you are doing! The videos you've added here look really pretty and super professional. Awesome :) About the project I'm involved in and would be pleased to have you for consider is Timesheet by Technuf [https://www.technuf.com/timesheet]. It's a sleek and easy-to-use eb-based timesheet management platform to keep HR and work things organized. Basically, the product idea is simple - record and track the number of working hours spent by your employees. The best thing about it is that it allows the option for customization. Working closely with the clients, we are able to add the features they are interested in. Happy to connect with you on Twitter! Have a great day and keep up doing the amazing work :) Regards, Aphelia