Henry Burkert

Cold calling or email campaigns to win customers?

I think it's the mix that makes the difference. In some areas, I firmly believe that cold calling still offers great value. The direct feedback you get is unbeatable. In my opinion, it is important to have good guidelines and a clearly structured process.

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Adrian Cabrera
I'd say it would depend on your audience, but something you can also do is to do a hybrid approach.
Henry Burkert
@adrian_mailmaestro Our target audience is HR professionals. I've found that cold calling works well there because people like to talk about the issues.
Adrian Cabrera
@henry_burkert that's very interesting! How does the pick-up rate look like?
Henry Burkert
@adrian_mailmaestro Varies by industry and company size. I am now starting a new "cold calling offensive". I'll tell you more in six weeks :)
Gurkaran Singh
Ah, the age-old debate: cold calling versus email campaigns. It's like choosing between a classic phone call and a modern text message – both have their perks! Just like debugging code, finding the right approach is key!
Arthur Leclercq
I would also prefer cold calling, it is more efficient. But cold mailing when automated can bring you leads without efforts when the campaign is created
Daniel Engelke
Depends on what you are selling but you should also look at some inbound strategies like SEO and building an audience on social through posting on LinkedIn given it seems you are selling to HR professionals. Could also try direct outbound via LI if they follow you as well!