Hi! I really wanna know how you guys are currently managing customer retention? With Apple’s cookie blocking policy coming, have you prepared anything?
Not only Apple, Google is planning to block third-party cookies in Chrome as well by the end of 2024
Can't say anything useful yet, so I'm here to read
In most cases, you can't do without it.
And the law, in some states, is very strict about how you treat this data.
It's better for you and your customers if you waste time and do things right.
As a marketer, I feel lost without it! How am I going to understand my customer's online behaviour now? In saying that, we have been warned (google) for over a year. As to how to prepare for it, I haven't seen anything concrete where I think it's amazing unfortunately... though there a lot of people trying which gives me hope!
As a user, I bloody hate cookies. As a business owner who wants that info from my users... I still hate cookies. What would you recommend to have in place with this change?
@jordan_from_lvh Yeah! We really need something which is gonna keep customer privacy and still keep our businesses on track. In fact, sometimes I wonder why I’m even seeing some ads. Where I’m not even their customer. lol
These affects the entire ad eco-system, whether you’re running ads with a 100$ budget or 1 Mil. The core focus should be building out more and more solutions with first party data from attribution to visitor identification, solutions like HighTouch, Markopolo, 6sense would definitely help!