Elliot Wilson

Current PH structure needs improvement


I have been exploring PH for an obvious reason lately. But this sham of Product of the day/Week tagging is horrible experience. I feel this is quite traumatizing for any founders of the product. On one hand, we see some genuine folks building product and want to showcase with utmost honesty. On the other hand, a mediocre product with investor backing use resource to promote themselves with Marketing firm to win the PH of the day/etc tags. How is this fair? PH team should go back to their drawing board, find a right way for every product to be on top. User who selects certain category should get more suggestion on similar domain. In build event platform for product showcasing at same moment and let audience decide what is best for that particular day. Looking to hear the community's thought here. Pretty sure many have gone through bad experience here. We can work on solution for sure.

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Tech Octagon
To be completely honest, PH is a very weird place. Their rating and review system is ineffective and unfair. There is definitely some shady stuff going on in the background.
Tech Octagon
PH is odd in that they will put someone's basic ebook against someone else's enterprise SAAS product in the same category. Success on PH isn't necessarily an indicator of actual success—in fact, I don't believe SaaS products perform well in this platform at all!!
Would be interesting if you filter out the organic and regular users from the new ones (for obvious reasons).
Issac Jacob
Everything from Errors to Marketing implications. ProductHunt could become that premier community led place to talk about the product, get feedback, have discussions and maybe a rating feature rather than upvotes alone. It's easy manipulation and if could be fixed, will give better reach to well-made products and communities. Wouldn't want to see PH going down the lines of Twitter