Decent techie, shit at business
I think I am a decent techie. I have been working as an IT Freelancer for 15 years, in IT total for 25 years. I know IT infrastructure from datacenter to cloud inside out and I am a decent IT security guy, too.
But I suck at business scaling. I could try to find and rent out brains and bodies like myself and scale that way (aka consulting firm). But I’m really terrible at networking (the human kind, not the IT stuff) and also not a really good sales person. There’s too many who are good at that, anyways, so I can’t bring anything new or better to that market.
So, I’m doing pretty well since I can sell my skills at a high ticket price but eventually you can’t scale renting out your time too much.
How can I find a decent business coach, partner, mentor who can work out with me the scaling part?
What’s your advice?