From my point of view, there are things that do not work well in the process of distributing apps.
1. It works as if each operating system was a different world
whereas we all live in the same one, regardless of using OS. But the fact that for each system we use a different distributing interface, makes wrong impression that it is not like that.
2. Being found by users is difficult
Especially when the app is new, it takes months to get to the top of the store and be discovered by a user.
3. Selling apps is divided across operating systems
Nowadays there is no any general marketplace for selling software. Whereas there are solutions focused on music or movies, there still is no any modern approach to software and the matter of selling them across various operating systems.
4. Owning apps is different than it was before
In fact, rather than buy, we lend them out. In my opinion, we need a solution that would be a response to the fact, exactly like in the case of music and movie industries.
5. Their amount is enormously large
There are millions of apps out there. People does not use only one app from a particular category. It is not, but should be, taken into account in the way app stores work today.
What problems you, as founders, developers, marketers and users, see in the process of deploying, marketing and selling apps?
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