Tasos V

Do you FOMO? I do. Daily.


Kind of a controversial topic. As in, we all do FOMO, but we don't want to admit it.

I would say the last few days, but I think it has been years, that I FOMO.

Feels like the world is moving too fast, all the time.

And I am not just referring on just social media posts. I am talking about everything. Like, even if I am online or not, I feel like if I dont DO something, or PRODUCE something, Im missing out on "freedom", "happiness", "more gains" more everything.

I think a lot has to do with the term "time is money" and the fact that If we dont do something that eventually leads to it, we are "losing", therefore tomorrow we would have to work twice as much for the time we lost.

For me the only thing that helps is focusing on what I can control, meditation, and when it comes to products/startups to build, I focus on problems THAT I HAVE. Focusing on the next big thing or thinking what everyone else is facing, is super hard, and maybe "wrong".

Anyways, just sharing my thoughts.

Do you feel the same? How do you deal with FOMO?

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Rohan Chaubey
Launching soon!

Totally feel this.

FOMO isn’t just about social media anymore — it’s this constant pressure to always be building, launching, or optimizing, or else we’re "falling behind."

What’s helped me is knowing I am exactly where I deserve and desire to be, staying in my own lane and ignoring the short-term hype.

Tasos V

@rohanrecommends very well said! ignore the noise.


@rohanrecommends Thanks for mentioning "ignoring the short-term hype". Love it. Trying to teach that to my customers as well.


I have also experienced FOMO before, both in my work and personal life. The fast pace of modern society often makes me fear that I might fall behind others if I missed out on certain information. To deal with FOMO, I keep reminding myself that 'it's impossible to be involved in everything, so I need to learn to prioritize.'

Tasos V

@feliciana_liu true! making peace with the fact that we cannot do everything is really important.

Kenny Hawkins

FOMO is here to stay unfortunately; but to help, I remind myself that any uncertainty is opportunity. Friends having a cold one without you? Go have a cold one with someone else or by yourself. Should you invite yourself? Why not. Be that guy. Sometimes what creates FOMO is the inability to step outside of your comfort zone and pull the trigger. FOMO on AI startups? Then just pull the trigger and make one!

Tasos V

@kenny_hawkins i had to read your reasoning twice. Excellent point. Totally agree, taking action is probably the only way to kill FOMO. Without filters tho, just go for it and dont focus on the outcome. cause that will circle back to fomo.


I like the way you focus on yourself, really smart.

For years, I was obsessed with constant optimization—always producing, learning, or reading about business, even during breaks. In the end, all I got was exhaustion and a burnt-out brain.

Weekends disappeared, holidays no longer felt like holidays, and spending time with people stopped being enjoyable... especially for them.

Now, whenever I feel FOMO (or just bad), I step away from screens and go for a walk. I live in a big city, but whenever possible, I choose nature—even a park will do. Sometimes, I take a book, a reader, or just listen to music.

Switching to "airplane mode" helps a lot.

Nature taught me that everything moves slowly in the end—the exact opposite of FOMO.

That’s probably not what we want to hear in business, especially today, when everything and everyone feels just a click away.

But ever since I embraced this mindset, I’ve been enjoying my professional moments more—working with greater focus, having more fun (for myself), and spending quality time with the people who truly deserve it.

Tasos V

@conversionrocks oh man, could not resonate with what you said more. You have figured out that walking is the best solution to 90% of the problems. I walk a lot as well.

Never thought of the slowly moving nature as a way to calm me. Thats a great point, will try it out in my days :)

Stay safe out there ;)

Evak Chan

Yes, I also do FOMO and often feel anxious about the fast-paced rhythm of life. Sometimes, I try to ease my anxiety by deliberately avoiding social media or forcing myself not to think about work too much, but it doesn’t really help. 😅

Tasos V

@evakk haha i know. it is when you try to control the thoughts that they rise against you like a freaking army of ants.



Lately things are moving so fast, too fast that I feel like I can't catch up to everything. And other than that, it sinking on me that I am getting older since I am so much slower now, including in digest all of it into my brain. Fortunately, getting older also has its own virtues. I make a list of priorities while embracing my slowness and still enjoy all the process.