Yes, I don’t understand why founders make a mystery out of everything. If you are not developing a time machine or any other unique technology, then there is not much to hide. Plus, this is good marketing so that users understand what will happen next.
@nickanisimov Totally agree. Recently I've got a newsletter from a big SaaS brand that was like "We will be announcing something big soon. But we can't tell what, but trust us, it's big. But sign up for the webinar". Very convincing, very... :)
@kraten I announce updates consistent to the community, but haven't use the public roadmap. May I ask what are the Pros and Cons using a public roadmap?
btw, followed your product! God speed!
@dot_brand With the public roadmap, users get better visibility and more trust in the development lifecycle of the product. The roadmap allows us to align our features what we're building with the user feedback.
Thanks Kevin for the follow :)
@dot_brand@kraten Completely agree. I find it keeps our users involved and contributing to our decisions. That said, when we trail launch dates and commitments, it does mean I need to communicate those decisions. I think it's worth that though and our community really appreciates it.
Hey! Yes, and it's really important for our community to see our product's development. We're including the requests of our community members in our roadmap too. People feel that we care about their feedback, and we really do :)
@arzuozkan I love this... Kanban style too, makes it simple to read and understand. I especially love that you list the 'completed' parts of the roadmap... that helps demonstrate that as a user, you've already experienced and benefited from development.
I created mine recently, divided into two sections.
The Feedback section is very convenient to allow people to vote on feature-request and report bugs.
Also very convenient is the Changelog section, to which users can subscribe and receive email notifications about updates, for example.
You can check it out here:
We did not, but will soon be publishing it on our website-
The reason we decided to do it is because it gives more transparency to our users regarding what we are working on currently and what features are coming next.
@vincentropy So far, I only see the benefits. If some requests are wayyyy too off, I would spend time to explain to them the reason behind every iteration~ Most of them understand it and they even feel we really put our souls and hearts in the product!
QQ for those who have public roadmaps - what if you change plans/priorities and have customers waiting for a feature as they've learnt about it from a roadmap?
Yes, I think a public roadmap is a great way to show your customers and potential customers that you live and breath truth and transparency. It can also bring you closer to people in a community kind of way. It's important to be able to give people the chance also to add their suggestions for your future roadmap, maybe you missed something big (or small) that could make or break your chances of success.
Currently we do not but we haven’t released our product to the public yet. I’d be curious to hear the benefits though of this. I feel it could limit you to plan to far in advance and not listen to your customers for that perfect product market fit.
Yes, we started sharing our roadmap publicly recently, after a few users asked to see it! So now it's available in our forum. If anyone's curious, you can check it out here: 🚀
Currently, we don't have a public roadmap for but we are considering making it public in the future. I know it's important to be transparent with the community but we want to focus on marketing efforts right now.
If anyone thinks I'm doing it wrong, please let me know your thoughts :)
No... Mostly I keep things to myself and prioritize according to what I feel is the most important next. I think Public Roadmaps change so often they are pointless.
Yes, we maintain a public roadmap to transparently communicate our company's upcoming plans, features, and product developments with our users and stakeholders. This enables us to gather feedback and keep our community informed about our progress and future direction.
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