Matej Cabadaj

Do you prefer working in the morning or during the night?


Are you a morning person β˜•οΈ or night owl? πŸ¦‰

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I like getting work done really early, so that I can do things I want late at night lol, however I usually just end up doing work for both. 🀣🀣
@reconcatlord Early productivity to enjoy late night freedom sounds like a great plan. It's funny how work has a way of filling up both ends of the day, right?
Matej Cabadaj
@priyankamandal Agree! But I have to say, sometimes it is due to my bad time management πŸ˜…
Morning for sure is more productive Even if sometimes it's nice to work on night - the Brain anyway is not as fresh as after deep sleep
Matej Cabadaj
@xeno1 A good friend of mine starts in the morning and then takes a nap in the afternoon to be fresh for the night work πŸ€” I still haven't tried it :D
I'm definitely a morning person. I find that I'm most productive and focused during the early hours.
Matej Cabadaj
@priyankamandal I used to have exactly the same. Now, it is usually mornings and then after 8pm when I focus the most πŸ€“
Marco Moauro
With the fact that I have office hours I always work on my personal projects in the evenings after 8 p.m. In general I am a person who adapts as needed. For the new year I was thinking of waking up 1 or 2 hours earlier than usual to anticipate a few little things, including being more active on ProductHunt!
Matej Cabadaj
@marco_moauro1 Love the discipline! Yes, waking up earlier gives you a lot of leverage for the morning hours. But it might take some time getting used to it :D You have my support!
Igor Lysenko
I prefer to work at night
Matej Cabadaj
@ixord less notifications and distractions? πŸ€”
K John
It’s amazing how efficient I am during the night when I’m not disturb by some notifications
Felya Bilgen
I prefer working during the night but I generally work in the morning hours πŸ˜‚
Mertcan EsmergΓΌl
I'm a late-night person, I can focus more and get more things done after 16:00 till 03:00 AM. Also, I never get used to sleeping early & get up early in the morning.
Matej Cabadaj
@sitenley Woooooow 3AM! Cool! I mean it makes sense, the world around you is sleeping so there is nothing to distract you or disturb you πŸ€”
Artyom Sviridov
I'd rather start in the morning and continue all the way into afternoon
Mathis Vella
It’s amazing how efficient I am during the night when I’m not disturb by some notifications
Matej Cabadaj
@mathis_vella Right?! That's why I love nights for more creative work and planning. πŸ¦‰
Mixed. We have teams in different time zones.
Matej Cabadaj
@stylar_max And do you prefer one of the times or you do not mind both? :)
Markk Tong
Hey Matej! I personally enjoy working in the morning. There's something about the fresh start of the day and a cup of coffee that really gets my creative juices flowing. How about you? Are you more of a morning person or a night owl? Let's hear your preference!
Matej Cabadaj
@markk0217 Exactly like you, Markk! :)I start working at 7.45 and do the "heavy lifting" until around 11:30. Afternoons I usually have meetings and at night I do the rest - usually more creative work. Mornings I do coffee + tea, after 12 just tea 😁
Mateo Ezequiel
Always in the morning, drink my coffee and start with no limits!
Will be asleep during the day and 150% awake till midnight
For me, night is the new productive time! In the past, I couldn't focus on working at night, and I used to love working in the morning. However, since university, that has changed. Now, I find joy in working at night because there's nothing to disrupt my attention.
Matej Cabadaj
@parilti_erkan Completely agree with you! Night is slowly becoming my favourite time of the day for some deep work! (yet, mornings are still in the lead for me as of now) πŸ˜„