Sergei Vorniches

Do you use Firefox?


I just noticed that today's product of the day, a browser extension, supports some range of web browsers, but not Firefox. Among the browsers worldwide, it's like the top 4 choice, and I'm quite sure that among indie hackers, it's the 1st/2nd browser to use. Am I wrong?..

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My Phung
I haven't used firefox since I got chrome almost a decade ago
Not a developer but use firefox. Also, woudl appreciate any constructive criticism you have for my first product hunt launch! (
Felix Scholz
I moved from Firefox to Chrome many years ago and never found a reason to return
Jagriti Kumar
I used to prefer Firefox a few years ago, but I switched to Chrome because I didn't like a few updates and chrome has better/wider selection of extensions available
Chemical Bull
Firefox's Responsiveness is Very Good.