Do you use the product you are building? βœ‹πŸ½


There's nothing quite like experiencing firsthand the benefits and intricacies of what we're creating, right? So do you use your product? How is it helping you? Share your experiences. Would love to hear!

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Deniz Savkay
Yes I am using my own "SEO-friendly content generator" product in writing blog post content for my product FatBotter
@deniz_savkay , that's awesome! got a landing page? would love to check it out.
Deniz Savkay
@senthil99nathan unfortunately it's not in English yet... but will be released very soon πŸ™πŸΌ current landing page:
Paolo Go
Yes, I do. The plugin I’m going to launch soon it’s actually something developed and used every day for my own projects. I decided to make it available for everyone
Jotam Dveer
The product we're launching is build because we really needed this. So yes, I'm definitely a user of my own product and I'm lovin it. Even if we get no users, I would still use it and keep developing it. I really love this approach tbh.
Currently we are building Llanai - the AI powered Partner of WhatsApp and using it as well! It is helpful to learn a new language at your own pace by texting and audio. It is super useful as you text and communicate based on your learning preference. You can check it out at
@marianna_nk , that's interesting, do you have a landing page? would love to check it out.
@senthil99nathan Thanks Senthilnathan! Our landing page is however we are restructuring and launching our page next week. Feel free to check out :))
Sankar Isanaka
daily, my app is a messenger, so instead of Whatsapp/Telegram I use Altnine, I can't totally remove Whatsapp from my life yes but most of the people I communicate daily are on Altnine so Im happy & safe.