Richard Fang

Do you work on the weekends?


I've always gotten a mixed review around working on weekends. Some prefer it to be a no work zone so they can start the work day week fresh but others like to mix it up. What do you do?

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Eugene Bochkov
Do you even separate weekends from weekdays when building your own product?
Richard Fang
@eugene_bochkov That's true! But not everyone on ProductHunt is working on their own product 😆
Miriam Dorsett
What's a weekend? 😼
Richard Fang
@mdorsett Haha it's just one whole week hey 😆
Anurag Singh
Nearly 40 something founder with kids >> As such, weekends are entirely downtime with family + focus on kids, activities (music, sports clubs), weekly study catchups, movie nights etc. etc. 😅
Kaloyan Dobrev
@singhanurag The fact that you put your family on the first place is very honorable. I think also that weekends should be for focusing on other activities so you fill refresh, even some weekends there are times that need to log in for an hour. Keep up with the good work and I wish good health.
Richard Fang
@singhanurag This is great! I hope when I hit fatherhood that I will always commit to this mantra :)
Devanand Premkumar
@singhanurag Family time is more important and critical. What is the point of becoming successful and then you cannot share the joy and happiness with them? Life is all about being together and growing more and more.
Eivind Håverstad
Hi Richard! As a side project entrepreneur, the weekends are necessary for building products. Still, I find it easier to get the momentum during regular workdays.
Richard Fang
@eivindhaa Yup! I think this is the case for me too
Tanoy Chowdhury
I do work on weekends, sometimes. I try to avoid it as much as I can, but on a few occasions my work bucket gets so full on the weekdays, that a few of the tasks spill over the weekend.
Eugene Hauptmann
I usually write articles and read books over the weekend. Most of the productive work happens during the weekdays.
Richard Fang
@eugenehp When I wasn't working on anything, this was exactly what I was doing 😊
Sanket Makhija
I believe that mixing weekends with relaxation as well as completing some portion of work on the weekends is a sound choice.
Richard Fang
@sanket_makhija Yeah that's what I am currently doing! Sports + a bit of work here and there
Allison Braund-Harris
What are weekends? #entrepreneurship
Jack Davis
I do not mind working on the weekend because my work does not seem like actual work to me but is fun.
Richard Fang
@jack_davis7 That's actually the best feeling 😊
Alexander Kaufmann
I try to do the creative & enjoyable tasks for my side projects on the weekends and the "not-so-sexy-tasks" in the evenings of my workdays. That way I can still get a lot of energy on weekends and keep them as stress-free as possible.
Adrian Cruz
@valaaarmorghulis This is a balanced model, also there are some not-so-sexy tasks which can't wait until the weekend so I like to utilize the business hours of the work week to the max. 👌
Zaid Saifi
Absolutely, In fact especially in Lockdown I kind of started hating weekends as communication with my contractors or clients would be completely off and thus making the project a lot slower but that said working few hours on weekend definitely doesn't hurt.
Rashmi Gupta
yes but not on the issues going on during the weekend, on something different
Jay Patel
Honestly, I prefer to spend my weekend doing what I love. I rise early go for walk, mediate, and read books. I also go through some amazing newsletter I follow..
Jessica Gregson
Try to avoid it, but if I need to I do. I see it as one of the responsibilities of having my own business.
Mark Diego
I work on weekends, sometimes because I love what I do and I don't have time on weekdays. I try to avoid it because I think that disconnecting is important too.
Richard Fang
@mark_diego Yeah i think it's about finding that balance :)
Onindo Ahmed
Almost always! I use my weekends to declutter and reflect.
Stan Rymkiewicz
I only work on Sunday evening just prep my week ahead. 2h tops. Gives me focus on Monday morning and right energy to execute.
No, I use my weekends to develop new skills and create side projects that can improve my development.
Evgenii Petrovich
I used to spend all my spare time building my product. But this ended up in the deadlock. After full devastation and lack of creativity to build my product I came across course on learning and some article about how our brain is actually processing information. It's basically about focus work for a limited time and then doing some physical activity, allowing your brain to continue work on the background. This technique created more spare time in a week. But momentum is crucial. So I spend every day working but have more rest during those work days.
Richard Fang
@evgenii_petrovich I love this! I've found I am way more productive and happy when I've been mixing volleyball + badminton into my weekly routine. This is probably why :)
David Woolf
I like to work a bit in the morning everyday, including weekends. Mostly because I’m free in the morning, I get my best work done, and I feel like I accomplished something. I think it’s important to let yourself skip it though if you have plans or aren’t feeling it.