Mark Lemuel M

Does a collection of mistakes contribute to the success of an entrepreneur?


This question probes the relationship between making mistakes and achieving success in entrepreneurship. It prompts consideration of whether experiencing and learning from a variety of mistakes can ultimately contribute to the success of an entrepreneur, highlighting the value of resilience, adaptability, and continuous improvement in the entrepreneurial journey.

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Salar Davari
Not necessarily. Mistakes are good as long as you learn from them and you don't make similar ones as often. A couple of mistakes in a short while and there goes your dreams.
Mark Lemuel M
@salar__davari this is absolutely true. Commit to learn in every mistake and sooner or later you will be a better you! upvoted your app ! the website is great in providing house design! nice niche! I hope I can be upvoted too!
Alex Bozhin
Mistakes are part of success. No errors - no success :)
Mark Lemuel M
@alexbozhin this is true! also you can learn from the mistakes of other people, I believe in the concept of compounding! I upvoted your product and I hope I can be upvoted too! thank you for the great service you provide for people!
My Phung
Mistakes are inevitable, they're expected. In fact, I think having a well-thought out plan spanning even a month into the future when you're just starting is a mistake! However, it's a mistake to think just by failing a lot you're going to succeed. You might have a better chance now that you know what not to do. In my opinion, the best way to succeed is to be relentless in your efforts to push through dozens of cycles of learn-execute-assess. Good luck :)
Mark Lemuel M
@my_phung yup. most people have a problem in being "consistent" and whenever problem arises they just pivot to another thing , knowing that the best solution for that is to face the challenges, Like Robert Kiyosaki once said, "we are the creatures of our own habits, and our own habits decide our future" I hope you can upvote too!
I think mistakes are inevitable but like Salar mentioned I think it's important to learn from them! Also, just launched today! Maybe a mistake, maybe not but would appreciate your feedback regardless!
Yami Sun
I believe so. It allows you to reflect before you destroy your project or business. We're launching "Copus” soon and would appreciate your support and feedback:
 Thank you!
Mark Lemuel M
@yamisun this is true! I believe in the power of compounding and productivity! The universe is not selfish when you take a lot of effort in something! also! you can support me too ! I upvoted your every product!