Not everyone, of course, but some folks are hyped during their launch, and you're all in. Yet, when it's your turn to seek a little support, it's like a disappearing act. What do you think?
I've seen and experienced this, very frustrating. I think it's because people are way too tired of PH after the launch and some are plain selfish. After the biggest launch I've done in September I went offline for a few days, but I still made sure I reciprocated the support I received.
@slimmy82 I'm not entirely convinced by that based on my experience, but I learned to come to terms with it, it's part of the game.
I'm convinced that it costs me nothing to be chill about things that annoy me online.
I totally get where you're coming from. It's disappointing when the support you've shown for others doesn't seem to be reciprocated. It's like the cheers and excitement are there for everyone else, but when it's your turn, it's crickets.
Launching a product or project takes a lot of hard work and it's natural to want that same level of enthusiasm and support from others. It's important to surround yourself with people who genuinely want to see you succeed and who will be there to cheer you on just like you've cheered for them.
Remember, the right people will always show up when it matters most. Keep doing what you're doing and stay focused on your goals. The support you deserve will come from those who truly value and believe in what you're doing.
It's like they're front row at the launch party, but when you're on the stage asking for a bit of support, it's suddenly a magic show. 😅 True support goes both ways. Btw count me in for the cheers and support for your upcoming launch. Feel free to share more details, I'm excited to be part of your journey.
It should be 'Came for the launch, stayed to support each other', but instead, it's 'Came for the launch, vanished at the need'. 😅
If you need support, hit me up!
@sotak hahah exactly, yess it would be great I'll launch this Thursday!! just followed you on both PH and Twitter, see that you're also launching soon I'll get notified!
I think it comes down to each level of action getting more difficult to convert to.
It's easy to get someone to comment with excitement.
It's a little harder to get them to visit the product.
It's even harder to get them to sign up and try.
It's a lot harder to get them to be a paying customer.
It's unfortunate but just the way it goes I think, that's why it's such a numbers game, the more at each level, the better the next one does.