Fascinating research for those who have been following data concerning ChatGPT and creating products
SparkToro, in concert with Datos Inc, "analyzed millions of #ChatGPT user sessions: visits are down 29% since May, [with #1 use task] programming assistance [at] 30% of use.”
Source: https://sparktoro.com/blog/we-analyzed-millions-of-chatgpt-user-sessions-visits-are-down-29-since-may-programming-assistance-is-30-of-use/
Some conclusions:
“Generative AI, and ChatGPT in particular have been catnip to the tech press, the mainstream media, and the conversations of professionals in nearly every field. How is it going to disrupt your work?! Will AI replace you? Are Hollywood writers, real estate agents, dog walkers, and anesthesiologists even useful anymore?
"Datos Inc, whose opt-in, anonymized panel of 20M devices (desktop and mobile, covering 200+ countries) provides outstanding insight into what real people are doing on the web, we undertook a challenging project to answer at least some of the mystery surrounding ChatGPT.”
This article investigates:
#1: Is ChatGPT use increasing?
“Since May, OpenAI traffic has declined 29.15%. There are a variety of theories that explain this without suggesting that generative AI interest or use is actually declining.”
(See related dataviz / image in their article:
🖤 Devices with 1+ visit to OpenAI
🖤 Visits/device distribution of monthly traffic to OpenAI
#2: What Tasks Do People Ask ChatGPT to Solve?
“To answer these questions, Datos provided SparkToro with more than 7,000 real user prompts from ChatGPT, which we then filtered to the most credible/relevant 4,098 (removing prompts that had only a couple words or nonsense gibberish/emojis/nothing-but-foul-language/etc.). The results are fascinating…”
(See related dataviz / image in their article:
🖤 Number of prompts per ChatGPT session and
🖤 Category breakdown of 4,098 ChatGPT prompts
“We can see that ChatGPT’s users are almost evenly split (1/3rd each) between single prompt, 2-4 prompt, and 5+ prompt sessions…”
“I first asked ChatGPT to provide granular classifications, then took the most common of these (only ~20 accounted for 95%+ of the 4,098 unique prompts) and manually bucketed them into top-level categories, which you can see [in the dataviz / image below].
(See related dataviz / image in their article:
🖤 Most common ChatGPT user tasks:
1. Programming assistance
2. Professional education
3. Professional content creation
4. Marketing
5. Personal content creation
6. Higher education
7. Creation ideation
8. Personal task assistance
9. Other
10. Primary education
11. Analytics
12. Sales
13. Homework
14. Politics
15. Nonprofit
16. Writing assistance
See dataviz / image below:
(See related dataviz / image in their article:
🖤 Most common words in users ChatGPT prompts:
- Write
- Create
- List
- Fun
- Explain
- Date
- English
- Design
- Research
- Game
- Brand
- Case
- Python
- Article
- Audience
- Factor
- Software
- Tax
- Communication
- Google
- Argument
- Blog
- Random
- Price
- Instagram
- Keyword
A couple of questions from me (Eithiriel) to the Product Hunt community as a result of the article (definitely check it out in its entirety!):
1. If you’re simply interested in ChatGPT, what is your take on it in general?
2. If you have used it or related products/services, how have they impacted your life and/or profession and related workflows? Do you recommend them and why or why not?
3. If you have created related products/services, what are they (links?) and do you mind sharing any insights into what users/customers can/are accomplishing (or will be able to accomplish) with them?
4. Any ChatGPT research / case studies to share as well?
Thanks so much!
Artfinity design
Product Hunt