It's a book that had the power to transfer to me the passion of reading. It is called "Ask the dust" by John Fante, and I read it translated into my mother tongue language. Today I mostly read personal growth/business related books, but that one is the one that I will remember as the first love. Yours?
@access24 I will check it out, thank you! Very good question. I think my favorite books are from Ken Follet. But one that is called "That's bold of you" from Case Kenny is my favorite growth book.
A few books that I have read over the last couple of years which really helped me and several aspects, personal and professional development.
1. Thinking in systems - Donella Meadows
Genius concepts that are mind opening, applicable and simplified.
2. Psycho-Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz
Completely changes your way of thinking, this book is really a gift, to you all who haven't read it.
It's a short. It's called "the financial analyst". It's about an AI that plays the financial markets. It's in the Enders game book series. But not very available. But it can be found.
Lord of the Rings. I’m listening to the audiobook with speed at 0.85x and for whatever reason it feels like a brand-new tale. So many details to notice when you hear it a little slowed down
That's a tough one! There are so many great books out there, it's hard to choose just one favorite. What about you – any recommendations for a good read?