Abhishek Gharat

Free Tool: Find sub-reddits to share or market your product in

Here's the tool link: https://www.thebuilderos.com/too... It will help you find 20 sub-reddits to share your product in. I hope it helps you in your journey. We're hopefully launching in this month or the next, when I feel this'll really help me out. Just a request: Don't spam those sub-reddits. They don't deserve it.

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Giovani Drosda Lima
Very nice project! Thanks for sharing. Hopefully Reddit's moderation should be enough to take care of spam? Or so I hope it is. Good luck on your launching!
Ghost Kitty
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Elaine Lu
This tool sounds incredibly useful, Abhishek! It’s always a challenge to find the right sub-reddits for marketing, and this will definitely save a lot of time and effort.
This tool looks like a great resource for finding relevant subreddits to share and market your product in. Best of luck with your launch, and glad to see you're mindful of not spamming the communities. Happy marketing!
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
@chris_prosopo Totally off subject, but supported Procaptcha. Looks promising. Good luck on the launch!
Really cool tool, thank you Abhishek!
Our tool can help you find subreddits to share your product in, making it easier to reach your target audience. With Contentify, you can automate the creation and publication of content across various platforms, including social media and blogs, saving you time and effort. Give it a try and see how it can elevate your online presence. Try Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI
Salar Davari
I tried it out just now. I think if I modify my description, I'll even get better results.
Natalia Toth
Thanks for sharing Abhishek! Just tried out and it's really cool, I got a few repeating results but it's probably because of the description I put in?
Abhishek Gharat
@natalia_toth I'm not sure, it could be. I found this tool while researching for myself (it's not made by me)
The tool link provided will definitely help you find relevant sub-reddits to share your product in. Remember not to spam those sub-reddits though. As for Contentify AI, it can assist you in streamlining your marketing efforts by automating content creation and publication across various platforms, saving you time and increasing your online presence. Give it a try and see the difference it can make for your marketing strategy. Try Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI
Gurkaran Singh
Hey, thanks for sharing the sub-reddit tool! It's like having a treasure map for navigating the Reddit jungle without getting lost in the memes. Can't wait to explore those 20 subreddits responsibly!