Rich Watson

Got featured on IndieHackers

Received an email last week asking if I would like to be interviewed and featured on their website. They sent about 20 questions, then another 20 follow up questions, a little back and forth, and within 4-5 days it was live. How to get featured? Create a product page on, add posts periodically like changelogs or feature updates, etc. Make sure to add your revenue, or connect Stripe.

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Hugo Williams
Congrats, Rich! How long did it take you from creating your product page to getting featured?
Rich Watson
@hugoowilliams I'm not entirely sure, iirc I created one a while back but never posted anything or had revenue displayed. But once I did that end of May, updated links, name structure (I.e. NVSTly - Social Investing to NVSTly: Social Investing), description edit, and added revenue and once someone had commented on one of the posts that I replied to it was 1-2 days later I got an email
Hossein Yazdi
I thought they needed one to write an outstanding article so they'll feature. They have a good amount of traffic, so getting seen there is valuable. Thanks for the insights mate! 🙂
Rich Watson
@hosseinyazdi you can created your own post that they could allow, but I received an email from an indiehackers writer asking if I'd be interested in interview by responding to questions
Zubair Collier
Does it generate any relevant audience?
Ramit Koul
That's awesome, Rich!
Tanzirul Huda
That's awesome! Congrats on getting featured! Consistent updates on your product page and sharing revenue stats can definitely attract attention. Keep it up!
Welcome to share! We also plan to post on Indiehackers next week.
Alex Bozhin
Great, congratulations! Found funding?
Andreas Sohns
That's awesome news! Being featured on IndieHackers is a big deal. Thanks for sharing your experience and tips. This is super helpful!
Zekiye Nur Kesici
Congratulations on being featured on IndieHackers, Rich! It's fantastic to see your hard work and dedication being recognized by the community. Your journey and insights will undoubtedly inspire and guide other indie hackers on their own entrepreneurial paths.
Lenny Jean
Great work man. Keep shining.
Julia Doronina
Wow! Have you already got any results after posting? Sounds very interesting.
I just read the post. It was an amazing story - congrats Rich!
Congratulations mydude! How well does it translate to improving your business?
Gurkaran Singh
That's awesome! Getting featured on IndieHackers must feel like hitting the jackpot in the startup world. How did you celebrate this achievement?
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