Growing from zero on Twitter: Here's what I learnt in 2 weeks.
Hey friends š,
I have been more of a Linkedin guy.
Joined Twitter 2 weeks back.
Here's what I learnt about growing a Twitter audience from zero:
Be selective with who you follow: Helps to stay on top of relevant conversations.
Follow people who are 2-3 years into the journey, actively building audience & have 1k-5k followers.
Join conversations: Now that you have a relevant following list - contribute to conversations.
Comment with unique insights, own POV or genuine admiration wherever possible (Don't fluff. First follow their body of work).
Share your journey, show you work: It doesn't matter even if you have zero follower count. Share your journey, show your daily wins.
Building in public compounds miraculously.
Build a streak: Try to tweet value every day.
Keep a goal of at least 10 tweets: 2 tweets about your work, 8 tweets as comments / engagement with other accounts.
Last - Help others succeed: Share resources, tools, feedback to help other creators launch better.
What are your learnings from growing to first 100 Twitter followers ?